Just Visiting

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I pop up hearing someone knocking on my door. Looking down I see myself on top of Silva who was still sleeping. We must of fell asleep on the couch together.

Whoever it was knocked again and I slide off of him falling to the floor.

"Fuck." I mumble getting up fixing my exposed nipple before going to the door. I didn't have sex with him surprisingly, we just talked.

I look in the peep hole and my mouth goes wide. Quickly opening the door I soon close it behind me not letting them in.

"You can't be here." I whisper in a panic. My mom and dad were standing in front of me, they gave me no notice that they would be here.

"What- why not? What's wrong-"

"You just come here unannounced!" I look behind me worried before looking back at them.
"I'm not feeling well, I'm sick go away."

"Well I can make you some soup." My mother offers.

"No it's fine, it's just a little cold is all."

"It's just so sudden, you were feeling good a couple days ago." She pauses to take in my appearance.

"You're a liar, who do you have in there let me see." She tries to push pass me but I grab her arm.

"There's no one in there!" I struggle to get her away from my door and I scream suddenly falling backwards. Strong arms catch me as my door flings open.

Mom looks behind me with a star struck look in here eyes. I immediately place my hands in my face. I didn't want them meeting him because they are so in a rush to have me settle for someone, I just know they're going to give him ideas.

"Fire Cracker is this-"

"Please go away." I whisper embarrassed.

"I'm Silva Romano, you must be her parents." He says politely reaching to shake their hands. My mom was damn near creaming herself and everyone including my dad noticed. When Silva tried to shake my moms hand dad steps in.

"Alright that's enough of that." My dad says pushing my mom behind him.

"My daughter didn't tell me you were a model." My mom gushes making me laugh out a loud.

"I'm nothing of the sort ma'am but thank you."

"Nastasia!" I shout in pain as my mother punches me in the shoulder.

"That hurt!" I punch her back.

"Invite us in! Don't be rude!" She pushes past me and Silva raiding my home while my dad follows silently behind her.

My dad tries to not fight in places except for their own property but i know for sure that there will be hell once they got home.

My mom got noisy going through my house. Looking in my fridge and in my bathroom. I followed her around because there's certain things she has no business seeing.

"So! What have y'all been up to?" She asks while snooping around.

"We were sleeping until you ruined it."

"It's 2 in the afternoon, why are you still sleeping.? Have a busy night?" She asks smirking.

"No! We didn't and put that down!" She grabbed a pink box I keep my pictures in.

"Well damn, what is it?"

"Nothing just Polaroids."

"Who the fuck are you, Jeffery Dahmer? You collecting pics of corpses?" I laugh at her.

"No, they are just pictures you don't need to be seeing."

"Well now I'm interested, what kind of pictures are they." She gets closer to me so that they couldn't hear.
"I'm your mother you can show me anything." She gives me a devious smile that has me laughing again.

Toxic and MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora