One Thing Left to Try

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This story is going to be dark just saying darker than Giovanni

Fear is his name, but his friends still call him god.

Late, that is one way to describe me. I'm always late just like now, I'm running through my apartment, anxious sweat on my brow, I scurry to gather essentials for a flight I'm already late for. Despite knowing about this project for months, I couldn't resist the allure of last-minute packing.

"Keys...keys." I say to myself before stopping to look at my lazy dog sitter who was on my couch eating.

"Sasha where are my keys?" I ask her sounding desperate.

"I don't know ." She says her mouth full of chips. She was sitting in front of my tv with Buddy laying next to her desperately trying to sneak some of her snacks.

I smack my lips before going into my room to see them sitting right on my bed. I sigh in relief quickly snatching them before leaving out the door with my suitcase in my hand.

"You got everything?" She asks me getting up from her spot.

"Yea and thanks for no help."

"It's not my fault you waited until last minute and also im sad you're actually leaving now."

"I knowwww but I'm going to Italy bitch!" I do a little dance for a little bit in excitement causing my dog to start barking.

"I'm going to miss you, Buddy boy," I express, and in response, his small, fluffy figure rushes towards me. With paws on my knees, he looks up, silently urging me to scoop him up in my arms.

"Don't forget to call me once you've arrived, Stasi, and I mean it. I still can't believe you're taking this trip solo!" she exclaims, genuine concern in her voice.

"It's completely safe, my whereabouts will be tracked the entire time. Plus, you know our professors wouldn't place me with a family that poses any harm," I assure her.

"Girl you still need to be careful, you know how crazy Italians can be."

"Yea because people here in Colorado are just so much better." I say sarcastically.

"True, but you're leaving the country asshole you need to be careful. You're going to an unfamiliar environment and you can't speak the language either."

"Ughhh." I groan out.
"You don't think I know that? I don't need you telling me things I already know."

"Ok then get trafficked then."

"Bitch don't jinx me!" I yell. I look at the time realizing I am really going to be late.

"Oh shit! I have to go." I grab some of my things and Sasha grabs the rest before we walk outside. I powerwalk to elevator that lead us to the garage pushing everything into the backseat. As I get in the passenger seat I bust out laughing.

"I was supposed to be in Italy a couple days ago and now look at me." I say before laughing again. Sasha just shakes her head turning the ignition on.

My second year of college and I was invited to take part of an experiment in Italy! Basically people from different parts of the world stays in one house where they are cared for by the house owners. It's a weird ass social experiment that I had no interest in taking part of until my social communications professor pushed me to. If I complete this project, I would have half the credits I need to graduate. Shit maybe it is a scheme because it sounds too good to be true.

Anyways, im heading to stay with the Romano family, I don't know much about them except that they're wealthy and respected in Rome. Come to think of it, I'm quite clueless about the people I'll be staying with, but life is about living and not overthinking. I'm off to Italy! No harm in giving people the benefit of the doubt.

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