Ill Haunt You

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I'm holding on so long, I'll haunt you when I'm gone. 9/7

We were gone for three days. Kris and Will took time to show us around the city. They even bought us clothes to wear since we didn't bring any with us. We were having fun, drinking and partying. I was doing exactly what I hoped to do here. Manon got along well with the two, but I did feel a stronger connection with them than she did.

Lydia was blowing both our phones up but we ignored her. She texted us saying that we were in trouble but I am a grown ass women I could care less. I did take into consideration what Manon was saying the other day. I just have a hard time believing they are crazy like that.

It was actually Kris's idea that we head back. He didn't want us to get in trouble, how worried he was convinced me to return. I was trying to avoid that place as much as possible but it's time to face it again. The car was no longer where we abandoned it so Will gave us a ride close to the Mansion.

"Ok I am not trying to get caught up by showing my face. Y'all can walk up to the gate."

We both smack our lips looking at him before laughing.

"Whatever William." I lean from the back to give him and Kris a hug. "Bye I'll see y'all later." We get out the car walking up to the gate.

The security looked at us with disbelief before letting us in. We walked up into the drive way going straight into the house. They left their front door open daring someone to attempt to intrude.

As soon as we walked in we were greeted with the girls, Trullijo, the twins, Renzo and Silva. They all looked at us in silence, Manon suddenly yanks my arm dragging me with her to the elevator.

"Get back here." A strong demanding voice said loud reaching straight into my heart. It was a voice I never heard before coming from no other than the man who created all of this.

"I'm starting to feel disrespected by you two little girls." Trullijo said walking towards the both of us. Not gone lie it did scare me, I wanted to walk back but at the same time I was too scared to move.

"I've dealt with people doing less than what you've done. I've opened my home to you, given you food and a comfortable place to sleep. But you've done nothing but disrespectful my daughter, my sons. You think I've made all this just to have two American girls take it for granted?"

I slightly give Manon a side glance before looking back at him. He sighs looking back at his kids.

"I need to set an example." He tells them. I step back and look at him wearily before I see him come up to me. The next thing I know my face is turnt to the side as he slaps me. I could instantly feel blood forming inside my mouth. I look at him, and the next I feel is pain brushing from my hand into my arms as I slap him back as hard as I could leaving a hand print on his face. He chuckles darkly before suddenly pushing me to the ground knocking the wind out of me.

"Get up." He says while pointing a gun at me. "I want you to."

"Fuck you, I don't care how much danger I am I will not be disrespected by you!" I scream at him.

"That rage you feel now is I how feel when y'all are leaving my property all over the city like it's yours!"

"I'm sorry about that but you will not put your hands on me."

"I won't?" He ask smirking.

"Sir you may be able to over power me but I can guarantee that I won't go without a fight. When you do kill me or whatever you will remember what the fuck you had to go through to accomplish it."

He smiles at me like a mad man.

"Silva!" he screams loudly making me jump before speaking in Italian. He then laughs along with his sons like he done told the worlds funniest joke. He then holds his hand out for me. I reluctantly take it and he roughly pulls me to him grabbing me by the waist.

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