Face to Face

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They say follow your heart, follow it through but how can you when it's split in two 8/29

I'm not a stranger to one night stands. Every since I've been in college I have indulged in a lot of extra dick. I know this might make me a slut or whatever but finding the right person is harder than it looks. I'm so busy with everything that I don't have time to manage a relationship. But I still have needs and there are a lot of hot boys that come after me and I'm not going to decline. I've probably had at least 12 one night stands but none of them compared to the man I fucked a week ago. There's no comparing him in bed and in the head. The man is a psychotic fuck! I've tried blocking him so many times but nothing works. I'm sure if I was sober I would have been able to clock his red flags but I was drunk with clouded judgement.

I'm not an alcoholic but when I start drinking it's kind of hard to stop because of the feeling it leaves me. I rarely drink at parties and so when I fuck frat boys it's all clear Judgement. The first time I fuck someone drunk he turns out to be crazy, blowing my phone up, threatening to kill me. Listening to all of his voice messages shook me, I almost thought about going home. It's like he's obsessed which is weird because I only engaged with him once.

Even though I had him on mute I couldn't stop the urge to read what he was saying and I listened to all of his messages. The man is deranged, I told Sasha about him but of course she blamed me for not listening to her. She did in fact say intalians were crazy but damn. Lydia assured me that I would be safe here because they have like a thousand guards all over but I still had a bad feeling.

I jump feeling the sound of my notifications go off but it was just Professor Harris asking me if I was done with my report. We had to write a well written essay about how experience here every two weeks and I'm for sure writing about this crazy ass man.

"Stasi I need you to do me a favor." Manon says barging into my room. Her hair was laid down messy and she didn't have her glasses on, they way she approached me kind of made me nervous.

"What's wrong?" I ask her and she sighs before speaking.

" I need you to check my vagina." She says without any care.

"Bitch what?!" I yell before laughing.

"No im serious you need to check it and see if anything looks wrong."

"Why not just go to a doctor?"

"You know what fine don't help me." She says about to leave my room but I stop her.

"NOO no come here." I say trying not to laugh. "Come here and take your panties off." She took off her underwear before laying down with her legs bent and opened. I took my phone flash light to get a closer look.

"Mmm it's like really red down there but nothing else seems wrong with it." I tell her.

"I'm never fucking Renzo again I swear . I'm trying to stay away from him right now."

"But you were just telling me how much you really like him."

"I still do it's just, he's becoming a little controlling and he sometimes say little shit just to try to argue me. I came to Italy to have fun and he getting on my nerves."

"Well at lease he isn't threatening to kill you."

"Yet Stasi, and I told you it was bad idea to ignore Silva. Guys really care about their pride and once you mess with it they get all crazy."

"Honestly I should have known better than to mess around with any of them." I tell her.

She sighs before pulling her skirt back up. I get on the bed next to her and lay down. We both were laying on our backs with our heads touching.

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