lxxxiii. | my baby

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DOROTTYA WATCHED WANDA partake in a spell that would allow her and Dorottya to dreamwalk once she found their vessels in the same universe that Stephen and America had fallen into. She moved her hands flawlessly in circles as she floated in the air, the Darkhold floating with her and the universes of their children behind her to help her find their other selves in the universe. She was to stand watch until then but she couldn't help but to watch what Wanda was doing. It was so swift and neat that she couldn't take her eyes off of Wanda. She smiled in awe at her. Wanda's eyes turned red before they closed. She was in that universe.

After Stephen and America disappeared into a different universe, Dorottya and Wanda completely destroyed the fortress and took Wong as their hostage to bait Stephen and America back into their world before they killed all three of them. Dorottya wasn't sure if that was actually the plan, but even if it wasn't, she would follow Wanda.

Dorottya sat in front of Wanda. She was careful to be sure that she didn't knock over any of the candles. She didn't want to ruin anything for her dreamwalking adventure. She heard eerie whispers in the back of her head, she looked over her shoulder to see there was no one there. She shook the feeling she had off. She didn't want to investigate what it was. She wanted to stay right here to wait for Wanda to put her in her other selves body in the different universe where she was probably happy, where she might've had a life. Dorottya hoped that in the other universes, she didn't deal with anything she dealt with in this universe.

Wanda opened her eyes and looked directly at her love sitting in front of her. Dorottya gasped in surprise that it didn't even take her that long. "That was fast." she laughed.

"I found them. They're together in the same house." Wanda whispered.

"Okay, do it."

Wanda zapped Dorottya with her magic. Dorottya was sent into the different universe in a ghost form, a form that not a single soul could see. She looked around and saw her other self reading a newspaper. She didn't even think to look at who else was there because she didn't want to accidentally postpone everything if she saw who else was there. She walked toward her other self and stood behind her, throwing the newspaper across the room. Her other self gasped. Dorottya began to possess her other self. Her other self gasped and held onto the table, breaking it in the process when she felt all of the pain. She stood up and walked backwards into the cabinet, knocking everything to the ground. She could almost see Dorottya in front of her before she was possessed.

Dorottya flexed her hands to make sure she possessed her other self. She smiled and saw Wanda beginning to walk out of the house. She went to follow her love before they heard the voices of their children, the ones that were in the anomaly and the ones that were killed by Ultron and Thanos. "Where are you going?" was what Adrienn had asked. Dorottya slowly turned to their children, almost choking.

"Taking the trash out." Wanda clenched her jaw, staring at all their portraits hanging on the wall in front of her.

"Can we show you something real quick?" Billy asked. "Come on, mom!" The quadruplets all began to speak, telling Wanda to hurry up and to come on, that she was taking forever just to walk over to them. They were smiling at Wanda, hanging over the couch as their game was paused. "Okay, listen to this!" Ginny squealed.

"I'm gonna start it!" Tommy smiled.

"No, I wanna start it!" Landon yelled.

"No me!" Billy protested.

They started going back and forth with each other, yelling that they should be the ones to start it. Dorottya spoke up, "How about all of you start it? Together?" she suggested, tears in her eyes.

Wanda nodded. "Yeah."

They nodded. Ginny smiled for she couldn't wait to say it. They used their fingers to start counting down. "We like ice cream," they were singing. Dorottya smiled. "Like every child should and if we get some ice cream, we promise to be good." they sang with smiles on their faces. Wanda walked to them.

Dorottya looked at Wanda. "After that performance, they should get some ice cream. Don't you think?" she asked.

Wanda smiled. "They should." she laughed.

As Wanda went to the fridge, something happened. They were thrown back into their respective world. They both dropped to the ground, both confused to what was happening. Dorottya looked at a body hunched over the Darkhold. It was destroyed. Dorottya ran over to the book while Wanda was calling out for Billy and Tommy. They had been thwarted from one of Wong's sorcerers. Wanda noticed Dorottya holding the Darkhold. "No!" she stared at it, slowly turning her head to Wong. She used her magic and threw him out of the building.

"The Darkhold is destroyed! You are the Sorcerer Supreme, I need to know the spells!" Wanda yelled.

He spat blood out. "You're gonna have to kill me, witch!"

"Not you, them." she lifted all of his apprentices into the air, twisting their bones inside of their bodies, causing them to whimper and yell in pain. Wong didn't look at them. Dorottya forced him to look by levitating him into the air, her jaw clenched.

"Wanda, stop. Wanda, please!" he yelled. She continued to hurt them. "The Darkhold was a copy!" he blurted out. Dorottya let go of him.

"A copy?"

"Legend speaks of a mountain with the wretched spells you seek carved in its walls. It's there the Darkhold was transcribed. Mount Wundagore." Wong explained. Wanda let go of his apprentices in such shock for she had never heard of that place before.

"Wundagore? Where is that?" Dorottya questioned him.

"No one has survived the journey." Wong warned. He glanced between the couple. Wanda took a sorcerer ring from a corpse and gave it to Wong. He caught it with ease, yet he knew what that meant.

"Perhaps we will be the exception." Wanda let out a breath.

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