lxvi. | not one, but four

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SINCE IT WAS THREE DAYS until Wanda gave birth to the baby, it gave the three of them enough time to prepare themselves for being a parent by practicing things. Dorottya felt confident she was skilled in the baby area, so Dorottya decided to actually go grocery shopping this time to get the necessities and not lose her track of time like last time.

She rang up Stella on the phone and asked her if she wanted to come with to give her some company, thankfully she agreed with no hesitation. If she rejected the invitation, Dorottya would think she'd be very embarrassed and would isolate herself in her bedroom until it was midnight so she could do some shopping without Stella seeing her.

Dorottya and Stella walked side by side, slowly pushing their shopping carts down an aisle full of chips, crackers, pretzels, etc. Dorottya knew Wanda was probably going to want chips or something, and a variety of fruit too. Vision, unfortunately, couldn't eat so she wasn't really going to worry about getting him some food.

Stella picked up a bag of classic Lay's potato chips, turning it over. Dorottya looked back at Stella, waiting for her to finish picking out chips. "Do you have a family?"

"No, I don't," Stella replied. "I like to be alone."

Dorottya tilted her head. "That's a bit weird."

"Weird? No. I think its rather peaceful," Stella laughed. "Getting married and living with someone who could be annoyed, running around the house, never having silence and children making obnoxious noises. . . that's just not for me."

Dorottya nodded. "It could be better that way, but someone being there for you is better than being all by yourself, Stella."

"Don't like being alone, huh? I suppose that's why you have Wanda and Vision." Stella pushed her cart further down the hallway. Dorottya followed her. "You three make a cute throuple. . . and you got the best of both worlds," Stella glanced at Dorottya. "Do you really like being in a relationship with them both?"

Nodding, Dorottya picked up her pace to match Stella's steps. "I do. I love them both very much. It's why I married the two of them."

"How'd you meet them?"

Dorottya was unsure of how to answer that. She couldn't remember how they met, no matter how far she dug into her mind. It was like something was forcibly blocking off that memory. Dorottya opened her mouth to conjure up some lie, so Stella wouldn't think Wanda kidnapped her and Vision, but she couldn't even think of one. It was weird, and it concerned her.

"You do remember, right?"

Dorottya nodded with a smile. "We-we met at a. . . a flower shop."

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