Aaliyah wrote a 4 paged letter, and I wrote this book...

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To my sister TheGheauxstWriter;

We're always in sync. Thank you for keeping time with me. Thank you for reading each word & inspiring more.

For my R&B heads.

Thank you God.

Eventually, there will be a playlist for every chapter. Listen along to the table of contents for now: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3CcvZbclnNe7umVDa5DyQA?si=3778aa8ad21b42eb


The full story of 'On a Loop' © Natalie Green pseudonym Creative Thot, is a work of fiction. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from me, the author.

All characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents, were created by me, the author.

Any resemblance to the lives of actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.

I do not own the rights to any visuals used within this book unless otherwise stated. They may be removed upon the owner's request.


This story contains mature themes, including but not limited to:

sexual content and strong language.

Please read at your own risk.

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