"I understand what you're saying. I can't see me or you with anyone else down the road either but for now we both know you have to pretend for your people to give them hope and in time of accepting all the other villages you can split publicly. For now it's ok to just be us here. We know where we stand and that's what matters. I've thought about what you just said before too. I think if you really felt as deep as Julian claims you two did than some part of you wouldn't keep fighting him away. But after watching you guys this whole time I don't think you two are very situated for each other as he thinks. If your heart was really his at one point you wouldn't be completely pushing him away even when you're trying to with all you might not too."

"It's like for some reason your mind keeps telling you to run and I let it go but now I have to wonder why do you keep fighting him Tess? Is it because you feel disloyal to me? I don't want you to feel that way. I doubt I'm a factor in that equation so Tess, why do you keep pushing him away if you want to be just friends with him? You're not making that even possible either you're going to have to have some type of relationship with him. We both are I'd like it be peaceful. It's hard to want to peaceful with him when I see how visibly uncomfortable he gets you Tess it brings out a possessive protective side out of me I just need to know what's going on with that?"

"It's not about you Emmitt. It's just I don't know how to explain it. I'm ok with his hugs even the kisses on the forehead but a part of me isn't so much mad or bitter but it is a little angry. He keeps saying he's changed too and I do see it a little bit but how he handled me and Riley and even some others I don't see a change or at least a good one. It was almost the same I needed him to change that way for better not staying the same and having it be worse."

"I guess I'm mad I don't see a change in him unless were talking things out on our own. Its only a change between us. Not in the way we work together. I see it than and it makes him seem like he's becoming a better man but when push comes to shove is he going to be the man me and the people needed or need him to be or is he going to keep second guessing everything even himself. I need him to really get his confidence back to rule these people or I don't know what's going to happen. Maybe Riley would take place but Julian is not himself he almost seems as lost as I am when I came here. It just makes me feel he's more of a stranger than when we got here." Tess said looking down kind of sad.

"Maybe he just needs some help finding his way like you did when you got here. Maybe he was following orders his whole life to Tess. He's on his own at here like you were except he has to remember everything every day. Maybe he has it worse sweetheart. He holds on to whatever you guys had as a lifeline, maybe he just needs to find himself like you did." Emmitt asked her. "I never even thought of that I don't even think he's thought of that you are much wiser beyond your years you gorgeous man." Tessa said placing kisses all over his face.

"He's lost a lot Tess this past year Tessa and found out a lot more horrible things and he's had to go through it without most of his friends3 and you. Who he was used to seeing and doing things with on a daily basis. Now I think he's just trying to adjust to all the changes coming our way and will be coming just to make sure everyone comes out hopefully safe and alive after this and still being as close together as you guys all were. I can respect that. I'll agree to many things with him and we will keep peace. I will never give up on us Tessa that's one thing I can never agree him on. We'll all get through this with something stronger at the end of the line."

"I pray your right and will do all I can to make sure that it becomes true and happens." "Come along than we have so much to do today let's get going I need to make sure my woman eats a good breakfast before she goes and kicks a bunch of grown men's ass today." They both giggled making their way out of their home and to the village.

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