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***Kyla POV***

My dad watched Mason leave out the door with his arms crossed tight across his chest while shaking his head. My gym bag was being held hostage stuck between his side and arm. I managed to get his attention.

I pushed myself up from the chair sliding my tray to the side while walking over to my dad. "You brought my things. Thanks Dad." I said while grabbing my bag.

He snapped his head back in my direction and responded with the scowl still on his face "Yea, I put a few of your things in there, you have so many clothes, I just grabbed the first few things out of your closet. I turned your phone off because it wouldn't stop ringing."

"Ringing?" I said questioningly. "Why would it be ringing? I don't have any friends." my voice had dropped to a monotone

"You know Kyla, you used to have friends, but you pushed them all away. The same people probably sent you all those flowers and balloons over there." He nodded his head in the direction of the table next to the bed.

I simply rolled my eyes. "Yea, I used too." I put the gym bag on the table and dug through it until I found my phone. I powered my phone back on, and within minutes my notifications kept pinging incessantly.

My dad walked over to the chair in the corner of the room and sat down.

"You know your friends Dakota and Angie have been calling me everyday to check on you." My dad always did like them. They were my 2 best friends, we were almost inseparable, well at least we used to be until my mom died. These days, I could hardly get a wave back from them, let alone a simple greeting when I'd see them at school. They were too busy with their new group of friends, and boyfriends.

"I wouldn't exactly call them my friends anymore dad. I hardly talk to them, if at all." I said while opening up the notifications tab on my phone. It read 144 new notifications. My eyes bulged out of my head a bit. I would hardly get 2 notifications a day, so 144 was crazy.

"Well whose fault is that Kyla?" My dad sat forward in the chair. His matter of fact tone was getting on my nerves.

I put my phone down and looked at him square in the eyes "It really doesn't matter dad." My voice was sarcastic, with a ping of annoyance. "Anyways thanks for bringing my things . Are you going back to work today?" I changed the subject because I didn't want to talk about me anymore.

"Yea, I'm actually heading there now, just wanted to drop off your things before hand." He pushed himself back up from the chair he hardly got comfortable in, and walked towards the door, but before he could open it he turned around.

"Actually there was one more thing I wanted to talk to you about." My dad rubbed his hands together and took a deep breath before he started talking again. "I talked to Mrs. Keagan."

My eyebrows furrowed together in anger. "What do you mean you talked to Mrs. Keagan.?! I've only talked to her once , so why the hell is she talking to you? " I was pissed

"Watch your mouth Kyla." I never cursed at my dad before so he was upset. "She's just the resident psychiatrist here. She didn't tell me anything that you all talked about or anything like that. As the parent of a patient here she was just telling me about some of the programs they have here." He hesitated before saying the next part. " She... she mentioned a youth rehab program."

My anger only intensified. " I'm not doing it." I responded short and curtly .

"I think its a good idea Princess, you're obviously going through some stuff , that I can't help you with, so maybe you should." I could tell my dad was trying his best not to get upset.

"No, I'm going home tomorrow, when they let me out of here." There was no way I was gonna let him convince me to go.

"Look Kyla, I'm trying to be nice about it, but you really don't have a choice in the matter." He looked at me with frustration.

"And you can't make me! I turned 18 two months ago, so I'm sorry to tell you Dad, but its really not your decision." We were basically arguing at this point.

"Kyla, its only 30 days." His eyes had softened a little when he said this, almost pleading with me.

" I.... don't ...care. I'm not going to rehab." I was done with trying to hear him out.

"Fine. Here's the deal, " My dad was yelling at me and pointing his finger in my face "you either do the 30 day program or you don't come home. You're 18 right?! Get out here and figure this shit out on your own."

"So you're kicking me out?!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing

"Kyla... I tried doing this the nice way, but you're being too damn stubborn." he dropped his shoulders in defeat

"This isn't fair, you're just gonna abandon me here?" I could feel my eyes beginning to water

"No.... I'm giving you a choice, and its perfectly fair." My dad turned around and walked back towards the door his voice getting back to its normal octave. He turned the handle and opened the door and took a step through, but before he did he looked back at me sadly. "So make a decision Kyla."

And with that he left out the door. Leaving me just staring at his former spot.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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