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***Amber pictured above***

***Kyla POV***

Amber began walking me back down the long hallway towards my room.

"Well Ms.Kyla, I know the details are private, but how do you think your session went?" She grabbed my hand and turned me towards her mid-step.

"It was actually good, we didn't even talk about..."She stopped me before I could even complete my sentence.

Amber covered her ears "Uh un miss lady, I've heard what I needed." She pulled me forward and starting talking to me in her southern accent again as we walked in step of one another.

"Dr. Teagan is the best! She has some atypical methods, but an almost perfect success rate! I'm telling you she changes lives. A lot of people that work here have seen her before. She's really amazing. You just gotta take a chance and buy in to her methodology "

I was nodding my head in agreement as she spoke, seriously thinking about what Amber had just mentioned about Dr. Teagan.

We arrived at the door to my hospital room.

"Well Ms.Kyla this is where I leave you. I'll stop back by later and check in on you."

"Thanks Amber." I waved her goodbye as I walked into my room.

The rest of the day went by uneventful, as I spent most of my day sitting in bed watching COPS on the tv.

It was hardly 9pm and I found myself drifting off to sleep. I tossed and turned most of the night breaking out into a sweat. When I finally woke back up I glanced at the clock and noticed it was a little after 4:30 in the morning. I swung my legs out of the bed and got up to stretch. It was extremely early for me, but my body seemed rested.

I gave myself a once over and noticed I was extremely sticky from all the sweating. I looked around my room thankful for the bag of clothes located in the corner. My dad must have dropped them off at some point of time or another. I grabbed a pair of socks, some underwear, Nike sweats, and an oversized Prince T-shirt and headed to the bathroom. I was fortunate enough to have my own bathroom and breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed the cleanliness of the shower.

I peeled my clothes slowly from my body, and gasped when I saw myself in the mirror. The large bandages on my wrist being the only thing that caught my attention. I removed the bandages one by one from my wrist and saw the self inflicted wounds and grimaced. My right wrist was significantly worse off then my left , considering I was lefthanded it made sense. The stiches ran from the middle of my arm all the way down to the wrist. I hovered my finger over each stitch and counted. 12 stiches on my right arm, and another 6 on my left, where the cut was much smaller.

Was it a coincidence that the # of stiches was equivalent to my age? I wasn't sure if I believed in God our not, but if I did was this some sort of sign? I quickly shook away the thought from my head and began wrapping my wrist in the saran wrap that I found in the shelf of the bathroom to keep my stiches dry. I was almost done wrapping my left arm when I noticed the sharp perforated edge of the saran wrap box. I ran my finger across the edge quickly causing a small shallow cut in it. A small drop of blood appeared shortly after, taunting me.

I meticulously peeled the sharp edge from the box and folded it in half. I placed the aluminum metal in my palm and evaluated it. Not sharp enough to cause a life threatening injury, but sharp enough to cause pain. I was having an internal battle within myself wondering if I should even be thinking the thoughts that I was. 'Just do it, cut your stitches open and sit in the shower. You'll bleed out and no one will know until its too late.' My mind was definitely playing devils advocate with me.

Eventually I opted for placing smaller cuts along the inside of my thigh, something that I had already done in the past. I let my fingers dot across the small scars on my leg that my past endeavors left. They were so thin and nearly visible that you hardly noticed them. I could only really feel the difference because my skin was slightly raised on the scars. I placed the metal hard against my skin, causing the pressure to build, then pulled the metal fast across my thigh causing a small cut. I felt like I just needed to do something to feel a little pain.

I inhaled a deep breath and stepped my foot over the tub into the shower. The water was steaming hot and pounding into my skin. I could feel every drop of water drip across my skin, stinging all the new injuries I had inflicted on myself. I let my head fall back into the rainfall of hot water as I closed my eyes and exhaled, my hair curling up more and more with each minute that passed by. I stood that way in the shower for what felt like an hour, until I finally reached my pruned fingers towards the shower knob turning it to cut the water off.

I stepped out of the shower and dried off, putting my clothes on slowly. My curly hair was still dripping wet, so I used my old dirty shirt to scrunch my hair dry. I didn't have any hair products to help tame my hair so I had to go with the old wash and go method. I exited the bathroom and noticed the clock on the wall showed it was a little after 6am. As if on cue my stomach rumbled loudly. I plopped back down onto the hospital bed and I grabbed the hospital phone and ordered myself breakfast. 20 mins later my breakfast was being carted in through the door, along with it the familiar face of my old school mate.

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