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***Kyla POV***

The next morning I woke up refreshed  and nervous. I knew I would have to meet with a therapist today and I wasn't excited about it. The last time I saw a therapist was right after my mother died, and that didn't go very well. I started getting more nervous about it the more I sat there and thought about it. I needed to get out of this hospital and get back home so I could draw myself up another plan.  That meant that I had to make sure that I was able to convince whoever this therapist was that I was sane enough and that I wouldn't hurt myself again. I decided I was going to say whatever it would take, even if that meant lying. In the middle of my thoughts my stomach decided it was a perfect time to make noise.  My appetite hadn't kicked in until now.  I hardly noticed that I hadn't ate anything within the last 24 hours. Perfect timing, nothings better than food for thought.

I decided to order myself some breakfast. Maybe some food would put me in a better mood. I grabbed a menu from the bed tray on the side of my bed and instantly got depressed. The menu was terrible! There were only 4 options for breakfast, 3 of which included toast as an main entrée.

Hospitals are notorious for their poor food choices, and this one was no different. I couldn't believe I would have to spend another 48 hours here. I'd probably die from starvation. I guess that would be a positive if I was still trying to take myself out.  Maybe my dad could sue for negligence on the account that the hospital starved me to death. I was seriously considering it at this point. My brain started going in SuperDrive thinking of all the different ways the hospital could kill me and cut my dad a check. I shook my head side to side and lightly slapped myself in an attempt to snap myself out of it.

I reviewed the menu for .another minute or so before I could finally make a decision. I decided on the avocado toast, orange juice, and yogurt parfait. I grabbed the hospital phone closest to my bed and dialed down to the cafeteria. I gave them my order and hung up. They let me know that my food would be up in 20 to 30 minutes.

I reached for the remote to the tv and changed the channel to the news. I was feeling pretty uncomfortable sitting in the hospital room with no noise. I always kept the tv on when I slept and home. Silence was extremely eerie to me and I hated it. There always had to be some type of background noise for me to be comfortable in a room. I started drumming my fingers on my stomach as I laid in the bed, boredom getting the best of me. I began singing  the first song that popped up in my head to myself quietly. It was a Beyoncé song that connected with me deeply.

"I thought that things like this get better with time

But I still need you, why is that?
You're the only image in my mind
So I still see you around 
I miss you, like everyday
Wanna be with you, but you're away
Said I miss you, missing you insane

But if I got with you, could it feel the same...."  

I struggled getting out the last line of the song .  My eyes had started to water while I was singing so I slowly wiped the tears away that had started. 

My mother always told me that I had a beautiful singing voice. I remembered I would always sing as she played on the piano when I was younger. Her fingers would glide across the keys so easily, never playing a wrong note. My mother was a musician and knew how to play any instrument she came across. She instilled her love of music in me. Before she got sick she would take me to all of her concerts. I would be backstage with my Dad smiling and cheering her on, admiring how amazing she was. I hadn't sang any song since she passed away. Music reminding me how much I missed her.

My thoughts were becoming overwhelming, so I glanced up at the clock on the wall and noticed 45 minutes had already passed by since I had called down to the cafeteria. I threw my arms up and slammed them down in the bed, similar to how a 3 year old would that was having a temper tantrum.

"How long does it take to spread some avocado on a piece of fucking bread!!"  I huffed to no one in particular

"Depends on how nice you ask..." The voice travelled into the room from the direction of the doorway. I looked up and saw a food aide worker pushing his cart into the room.

"I'm... sorry!" I stuttered as I looked him over up and down as he pushed his cart towards the bed.

"I was really just thinking out loud I wasn't cursing at you."  The more I looked at him the more his face was became familiar.

"Do you do that often?" He said as he was rummaging through the contents of his cart looking for plastic cutlery to give me.

"Talk to myself? No not really."

He snorted at my response and chuckled "No, I meant sing. Do you sing often? You have a beautiful singing voice."

I looked at him quizzically and my face broke into a small blush. 
"I don't, not for a long while at least." I mumbled while looking away from him.

He looked up from what he was doing and he looked at me directly in my eyes as he walked toward me.
"Well maybe you should do it more. Your voice is amazing and deserves to be heard."

The way the words spilled out of his mouth, and how he looked me in my eyes made me melt in my bed a little. I had to turn my face away as I'm sure my cheeks were extremely red by now.

I turned my head back toward him with a smartass rebuttal in mind, but before I could reply my brain finally registered where I recognized him from.

"Hey I recognize you" I said as  I pointed my finger at him. 

"You graduated from SHS a couple of years ago didn't you?"

His eyebrows  furrowed together  and his face turned into a frown "Yea, Class of 17'"  His fingers flexed tightly on my food tray as he held it walking closer to me.

"I knew you looked familiar." I said as cool as I could manage. I noticed the change in his demeanor after my accusation
"I  graduate this year." I said with a with a lopsided smile.
I looked at him again for another reaction and his face was still stern.

"Well, good for you." he snapped sarcastically.
He dropped my food tray down on my table so hard that it rattled.

"What the fu- " i started to shout, but before I could finish my sentence he was already pushing the cart out of the room. Waving me off as he hurried out of the room.

'What's his problem?' I thought  to myself. I shook my head side to side  and looked at the door he had just stormed out of. I took a deep breath breath and started recalling how I recognized him. I remembered that I would always see him whenever I would walk past the principals office on my way to see the counselor. He was always nestled in the chair in the corner of the office no doubt waiting for some disciplinary actions from some delinquent activity he might have pulled earlier in the day. He had quite the reputation of a bad boy.  It also didn't help that he was handsome, and  it's hard to forget a face that handsome. He had the perfect chiseled jaw with a slight line of stubble gracing his chin. His lips were full like mine and a straight nose like the old romans. His hair was short and brown styled so that it looked like he just ran his fingers through his hair. The most attractive thing about him had to be his eyes. He had the greenest eyes that sparkled like emeralds,  I found myself drooling at the thought of him. I had to stop myself from thinking of him my shoving a spoonful of my yogurt into my mouth.  For some reason I couldn't remember his name.

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