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***Mason POV***

Here I was back at room 307 food tray in hand, but I couldn't bring myself to open the door. I thought I had gotten her off my mind last night when I had my little rendezvous with Lizzy, but the moment I saw her name on the meal delivery sheet I tensed up. 'Come on dude, she's just like any other ordinary girl.' I thought as I shook my head. I rolled my shoulders back and forth and exhaled as if I was stepping into a boxing ring. I pushed the door open and my eyes searched the room.

I caught sight of Kyla's petite frame on the other side of the room pressed against the window. She was standing there twirling her finger in her hair, gaze intent on searching for something outside. I couldn't help taking this opportunity to check her out. She appeared to be fresh out the shower, her big curly hair still dripping wet. She had on a different outfit from when I last saw her, her petite body hiding in the big oversized shirt she was wearing. Her sweatpants fitted so little was left to the imagination. I was really most impressed with her face, make up free and fresh. Her skin seemed so soft and dewy from where I was standing. I just couldn't take my gaze off her.

I didn't want to be any more of a creep so I cleared my throat to get her attention. Her head whipped around fast from the window towards my direction, her eyes instantly softening when she noticed it was me.

"Hey..." the words floated so softly from her lips.

"Hey...it's Kyla right?" I must have looked like an idiot standing there not moving with her food tray in my hand.

"Yea that's me. Is that for me?" She gestured, pointing towards the tray in my hand.

"Ohhhh yea, here you go." I placed the food down on the table next to her bed, making sure not to slam it like last time.

"Thank you." She said while standing there twiddling her fingers together.

"Hey..."She hesitated. "Wha...Wha...What's your name again?" She looked down at her feet, her face was developing a small blush.

"It's Mason."

She raised her head and we made eye contact again.

"So Mason..." her voice sounded a bit more confident. "Wanna tell me what yesterday was about? You were kinda rude slamming my food tray and storming out of here." Her arms were sitting underneath her breast, pushing them up right up into my eyes view.

I must admit she was pretty feisty when annoyed. Usually most women were super agreeable with me. Her attitude was a bit of a turn on.

" I was just having a bad day I guess." I shrugged my shoulders up and tilted my head to the side. I decided not to tell her the real reasoning behind my little blow up.

"Well don't take your bad day out on me, I've got enough shit to deal with." She rolled her eyes at me and sat down in the chair next to the bed, pulling the food tray next to her.

"Yea I can imagine." I said while gesturing towards the bandages on her arms.

"Well why don't YOU mind your business." She sounded more irritated now

"Trust me. I plan on it." I turned around towards the cart to grab her utensils so that I could get out her room as fast as possible.

"Don't stand there judging me, you don't know shit about me." She stood back up and walked over towards me pushing her finger into my chest, while tilting her face up to look at me.

I didn't realize she was so short until we were standing toe to toe. I had to be at least a foot taller than her. My mind completely wandering from the conversation on hand

"How tall are you?" I grabbed her forearm gently with my left hand pulling her closer to me while placing my other hand in the small of her back.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, let me go." She tried to pull away from me, but I was stronger than her, and to be honest she wasn't putting up much of a fight.

"Are you always this angry?" I said while letting up on my grasp releasing her arm but keeping my hand on her lower back.

"Only when dumbass boys touch me without my permission." She tried pushing harder against my chest causing her to stumble backwards tripping over her own feet almost falling.

I was able to catch her by grabbing both of her forearms and pulling her forward, her momentum causing her to crash into my chest.

She hissed in pain from me grapping her arms. "Are you deaf? I said let me go."

I let go immediately, she stumbled back again, this time catching her own footing.

I put my hands up in defense and grinned down at her.

"What is your problem?" Her eyes narrowed up at me while her hands were on her hips.

"I'm not the one going around poking people in the chest." I rubbed my chest with my hand in a circular motion while faking pain.

"Whatever. Just stay away from me." She scoffed and rolled her eyes at me again, turning away and walking back towards the chair .

"I will gladly, as soon as you get out of here. "I gestured to the room around us. "In the meantime I've gotta do my job."

"I'm sure your job doesn't include assaulting patients." she said nonchalantly with her eyes rolling....again.

"If you keep rolling your eyes like that they'll get stuck." I couldn't help myself. I just couldn't take this fiery side of her seriously.

"And if you keep talking to me you'll get slapped." She stabbed her fork into her scrambled eggs and looked me dead in the eyes.

"I highly doubt that." I grabbed her orange juice from the cart and placed it in front of her on the table while leaning in. "I can think of a few other things for you to do with your hands if you want to touch me so badly." I wiggled my eyebrows up and down at her.

Her face broke out into a bright blush as she coughed while choking on the food she had just placed in her mouth.

"Hey Kyla, I brought you your phone..." An older man said while walking into the room .The man looked back and forth between me and Kyla assessing the situation. His features resembled Kyla's so I assumed he was of some relation to her.

I stepped away from Kyla and made my way back to my cart.

"Kyla, is everything ok in here?" The older man was staring me down at this point.

"Yea Dad it's fine, he was just bringing me my food." Kyla coughed and quickly said.

"I'll catch you later." I winked at her and pushed the cart out of the room.

***Kyla POV***

"Who was that?" My dad asked pointing his finger at the door Mason had just went out of.

"Nobody Dad, he just works here." I said while readjusting my self in the chair, trying to regain my composure.

"Well stay away from him, he seems like bad news." My dad had a disapproving look on his face.

"Trust me , I plan on it." I scooped another forkful of eggs into my mouth while looking at the door.

I shook my head at disbelief at the exchange that just took place. I remember people saying to stay away from Mason back in high school, but I had jus got my firsthand experience on it . I realized all the rumors were true about him. He was a womanizing jerk and I planned on staying as far as way from him as possible. 

Nobody Else ( BWWM)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें