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***Kyla POV***

Without wasting anymore time I got to work on the rest of my food. I wanted to have some nourishment before meeting with the therapist..

I was finishing up my breakfast when my dad waltzed into the room.

"Hey Princess, how you feeling?"
Before I responded I looked him over from head to toe carefully. He didn't look as rugged as he did yesterday. In fact he looked a million times better. His eyes weren't as red and he didn't have large dark circles underneath either. The little worry lines by his eyes didn't seem so deep.

"I'm fine dad. I'd be a lot better if I had my cell phone though." I looked in his eyes squarely while crossing my arms in front of my chest and huffing out.

"We'll the doctors don't think it's a good idea for you to have it right now." He turned away from me walking towards the window in the corner of my room

"Doctors don't know everything." I mumbled under my breath as a I looked away.

"They knew enough to save your life!" My dad said in a raised tone turning back toward me.

"And no one asked them to!" I was almost yelling by this point.

My dad sighed in defeat and walked back towards me. He sat down in the chair to the left of my bed.
"I didn't come here to argue with you Kyla. I just want you to be ok."

"Maybe I don't want to be." I whispered this while looking away

My dad looked at me with so much disappointment.
"When did it get this bad? Why do you want to hurt yourself so badly?"

I didn't have an answer for his question. I wish I could've told him the exact moment even I didn't know. One day in my loneliness I was thinking about how much my life sucked and it just happened.  My subconscious telling me 'It would be better if I was dead' and from then on I started working on a plan.

I felt like it wouldn't of mattered if I was dead anyways. It's not like my dad talked to me. I've been trying to talk to him for the last two years and it was like talking to a brick wall. I basically begged my dad to spend time with me. After we buried my mom he buried himself in his work. It honestly felt like I had lost both my parents.

I just shook my head left and right .
"You just don't get it."
I didn't want to talk to him anymore and I didn't want him here.
I pressed the nurse call button on the remote and a nurses voice came through loudly on the hospital bed speaker.

"Yes ? Is everything ok?"

"I'm ready to meet with the therapist are they available to meet with me now ?" I said while side eyeing my Dad.

My dad glanced at me through watery eyes "Guess we're done talking huh?"

"Thanks for coming Dad, but I think you should probably head out. I'll be fine."

He pushed himself up from the chair and looked at me worriedly before he spoke.
"I'll try and come back later, I'll bring you your phone or whatever."

He turned around swiftly and pushed his way out the door, he pushed it with so much force that it   slammed behind him.

I exhaled the breath that I didn't even know I was holding and scratched my head. I couldn't understand why he just didn't get it. Before my mom passed my dad and I were tight as two peas in a pod, but now it's like we're strangers.

I turned my gaze to look out the window, the sun shining through at what appeared to be a beautiful day out. My skin was yearning for some sunlight. I hadn't spent much time outside the last couple of years, instead choosing to stay home inside most days, the complete opposite of my life before my mom died. I had become a social hermit. All of my friends slowly removing themselves from my life following my moms funeral. They all wanted me to get out the house to drink, smoke, and party, but I never had any interest. I shook my head and turned my gaze back to the small tv in the room. I didn't want to waste any more time thinking of the past. 

A few more minutes passed by before a nurse came into the room. She let me know that she was going escort me down to the hall to where I would be receiving my therapy. I threw my feet over the side of the bed and climbed down. My feet making a light thud as they touched the floor, short girl problems. I walked towards the door and tightened my hospital gown in the back before following the nurse out the room. 

As we started down the hallway we passed by so many rooms. Some rooms empty and some with people inside. Glancing in one of the rooms to my left I saw a mom standing over her teenaged son. I could hear her praying in Spanish , he was connected to a breathing machine and it didn't look too good for him. My feet began slowing to a stop in front of the door, my heart sinking for the woman. Before I could build up the courage to speak the nurse placed her hand on my back and hurried me forward. 

I moved my feet glancing back at the room while holding my hands in front of me. I knew exactly how that woman felt. We kept walking further down the hall and I looked into another room to my right. There  was young blond headed girl with curls plastered to her head, no older than 13 balled up in fetal position in the hospital bed crying. She looked so pale that it made my heart drop, I wondered why she was here too. 

Still walking we passed by a few more rooms, one with a young  guy with blond hair around my age laughing and joking with the nursing staff flashing his pearly whites as he looked my direction and winked at me. I turned my face away in the opposite direction as my face turned red in a deep blush and hurried to catch up with the nurse. 

I noticed another room had a girl who looked to be my age in  it. She had a short Egirl haircut with her fringe being a hot pink hanging in front of her eyes. She was pacing the room while her fingers were moving rapidly on her phone. She looked up from her phone at me and stuck her middle finger up at me. "Bitch" I mumbled to myself as I rolled my eyes at her, picking up my pace to fall in line with the nurse.

 Everyone was so different and it made me wonder why they were here. Were they here for the same reason as me? 

I shook the thought from my mind and kept walking. Keeping my focus this time on my feet as they walked across the floor.

We finally reached the end of the hall when the nurse finally turned to me and spoke.

"Your therapy will be here in this office " She said as she turned the door handle to a room settled at the end of the long hallway .

"You can have a seat and wait for Dr.Teagan to come in, she should be here shortly."

And with that I took a breath and walked through the door. The nurse turned around and shut the door behind me and left me in the office by myself. I'm not sure if that was a good idea leaving a patient who had previously tried to kill her self alone. I turned around to take a look around the office and saw why. The room was empty with the walls painted a dark navy blue, with nothing hanging on the walls. There were two chairs sitting in the middle of the room, both appearing to be screwed into the floor.  There was nothing here you could harm yourself with. I looked to my right and saw that there was a large floor to ceiling window on one side of the room. I walked over to it and put my hand on the glass as I looked outside. You could see the city skyline in the distance.  My fingers traced the skyline on the glass as i admired the scenery. The hospital also overlooked a small park. If you looked down at the right angle you could see the people walking by on the path that ran through it.. I ran my fingers across the glass slowly again, noticing how the glass in the window was reinforced, probably to keep people from attempting to break it and jump out.

As I was admiring the glass work the doctor walked in speaking to me, causing me to jump as I turned around.

Nobody Else ( BWWM)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें