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Dr. Teagan pictured above

***Kyla POV***

"Well, Hello Miss Jones." She said nicely.
I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the older black woman standing in her 2 piece suit in front of me.  She appeared to be the no nonsense type of woman, and the energy vibe I got from her screamed authority figure. In the past my therapist was an old white guy, so this was brand new territory for me.

"Um... Hi?" I said with a short wave, moving my hands behind my back to twiddle with the bandages on my arm.

"Hi Kyla, I'm Dr. Teagan, nice to meet you." She stretched her arm out to me for a handshake and I just looked at her hand waiting for mines.

"Yea, I guess you too." I gave her a small smile and a nod.

She tilted her head to the side and chuckled out loud as she dropped her outstretched arm.

"Well I'll be damned." She turned to walk towards one of the empty chairs, her heels clacking loudly across the floor.

I silently watched her as she sank down into the chair with her perfect posture.

"Come on, sit down. I don't bite." Dr. Teagan pointed at the chair directly across from her as she crossed her legs.

"Yea, sure I guess." I walked over to the chair and plopped down turning my head to look out the window.

"So..." she said as she started pulling the hem of her skirt down.

I moved my face back towards her direction and made sure to make eye contact with her. I wanted her to see me rolling my eyes as I turned to look away again.

"You know this is a safe space right." She used her hands to gesture the entire room

I nodded my head in a yes motion .

"And anything that we talk about will stay in this room?" She leaned slightly forward

"Yea yea yea..... can we hurry and get this over with." I snapped, she was irritating me with her candor attitude

She didn't seem taken aback by my response in the slightest.

"Sure, why don't you start with telling me what's been going on in your life recently. I would like to get to know you more." She threw her arm along the back her chair and waited on me to respond.

"Aren't you going to take out a notebook and write this down?" I peered at her up and down, while crossing my ankles.

"No." Her response was short and curt.

"Why not? Isn't that what you are supposed to do?" What game was she trying to pull?

"Well, my methodology is a little different than standard doctors." She uncrossed her legs and leaned forward while speaking.
"I want you to want to talk to me, I want you to feel comfortable. I'm not going to throw all of this professional bullshit your way."

Dr. Teagan was already breaking all of my initial expectations.

"Ummm ok...you do know I tried to kill myself right?" 'Is this lady crazy or what?' I thought to myself.

"Yes, I know. And you don't want to talk about that right now do you?" she seemed so certain of herself

"Hmm...No not really." I shook my head

"Well then, do you have anything you would like to talk about?"

"Not with a stranger..." I mumbled as I looked back in the direction of the window

"Lets fix that then. I'm Mae Teagan, I've been doing therapy for about 20 years. My favorite color is red, I love me some jazz music, and my story isn't too different from yours." She brought her hands together in a loud clap and leaned further forward.

"You've heard a little about me, now why don't you tell me something about you Kyla?"

She was good at her job, I have to give her some credit. I decided to give her a break and tell her something.

" I like Jazz music too, my mom used to play it all the time."

"Really now? Who are some of you favorite artist?"

"Ahh, there are so many!!! Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, can't forget Miles Davis." I had forgotten how many different Jazz artist I knew.

"You've got good taste Kyla, but you left out John Coltrane! The greatest to ever do it."

"I didn't forget. I like his music too. That man was a beast on the saxophone! I can't think of the name of that one song I like. What's it called again?" I started singing the lyrics softly.

"It goes like this,

You fill my eager heart with such desire

Every kiss you give sets my soul on fire
I give myself in sweet surrender
My one and only love
My one and only love" we both sang the last lyrics together.

"Wow Kyla, you have a voice on you girl." Dr. Teagan seemed impressed "I'm surprised you know your Jazz so well."

"Thanks, my mom was an artist and played all types of music. She taught me everything I know." I smiled and dropped my head to look at my hands in my lap.

"Well your mom had great taste in music." Dr. Teagan smiled back at me

"She did." I said looking her directly in her eyes.

We spent the rest of the session talking about jazz music. We were so engaged in the conversation that I didn't even realize that our time was up.

A nurse knocked on the door and peeked her head in. I saw the short pixie hair cut and recognized it was Amber.

"Hi Dr. Teagan" Amber waved "I'm here to escort Ms. Kyla back to her room."

Dr. Teagan pushed her self up from the chair. "Well this was fun don't you think Kyla?"

My eyes shifted towards the door as I pushed my self up the chair.

"Yes it was, surprisingly." I smiled at Dr. Tegan and walked towards the door.

" You made it easy Miss Jones." Dr. Tegan stuck her hand out towards me gesturing a handshake.

I put the resolve I had at the beginning of the session and stuck my hand out to shake hers. Her hand was softer than I thought, but her grip was firm.

"We'll talk again in a couple of days, in the meantime take care of yourself." Dr. Teagan said this part in all seriousness, while looking in my eyes pleadingly.

" I will." I said looking directly into her eyes. I began to let go of her hand, but I froze when I noticed the vertical scars near her wrist. My eyes darted back and forth between her wrist and her face. She pulled her arm gently away from me and smiled.

"I told you my story was similar to yours."

" You..youuu...." I was stuttering out.

"Come on Ms.Kyla, lets get you back to your room." Amber Interjected as she grabbed me by the shoulder and gently lead me out the door.

I could see Dr. Tegan waving goodbye as Amber escorted me out.

I was leaving somewhat more confused than I started.

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