"No, you can't do that. You're supposed to be mad. After what I did to us, to you. You should be. I know I am but Tess you never held anything bac. You're a straight forward person. That is not something you were it's something you are that's one thing about you rather you remember or not that will never change." Julian said with pride. "I can vouch for that." Emmitt said behind her." You two kids ready?"

"Yes, I believe we are." Julian replied back. "After you my love." He gestured with his arm out to show him the way. "I just might be drunk by the end of this day." Tessa said rolling her eyes as she was staring at both of them. They showed Julian some of the wires and certain traps that were unnoticeable by the average village eye. Showing him dangerous plants to be weary of, as he told some childhood stories of Tess, him, and their friends growing up together making their own family with their friends. Emmitt revealed in them but even though she smiled, it was awkward to hear her life through someone ese words and eyes and memories. While she had none she could really hold on to. They finally reached Neo. "I don't understand where is it?" Julian asked, "Right here." Emmitt said while lifting the cloth door back and typing in a code in the wall.

"Camouflage. Incredible." Julian said. "Welcome. Welcome to the brains of the Declan Circle." Ira said full of life. "Piers is waiting for you in the outskirts with some others. I will be in my quarters mixing some formulas together for better weapons hopefully to slow down some of the shadows and give us a better advantage couldn't have done it without your parents and Emmitt's findings. Well lots of work to be done let's get to it." Ira said shooing them in the right direction full of encouragement. "This way." Emmitt told them taking the lead pulling them through the village. "Wow how many tests do they run to need so much space? "Enough. This way we all remain safe." Piers answered Julian approaching them.

"Ok, so, here's the fast version time is not our ally. These are the others who will be joining us separately of course in each of the three different hut. This is Bill and Brooke and these ones you may know Lexi and James." "Julian these are Shayla's parents." Tessa told Jules. "Ah, lovely girl and so smart. I can only imagine how proud you must be." They smiled proud fully at him in gratitude. "It's such a great pleasure to work with you." Tessa said shaking all of their hands Julian doing the same.

"We're happy you're here was rather close to your mom. She worked us constantly." Lexi said excitedly. "Ok, so we have three groups in three separate huts each working on either a shadow or Tentoria they are deceased. First thing we are going to do to each one on our own is figure out which one they are. Next we basically are going to dissect them we need to understand what exactly this stuff has done to change the body and see what can be done to reverse or help alter it. We need blood samples tissue samples any and every type of samples we can collect from any and everywhere on them."

"Make sure to be properly labeling everything and documenting everything I mean step by step notes are important this is why we are paired up. Whoever is worried or too scared or uncomfortable and needs to back out now is the time to do so. Tentoria have are known to have sensitive chips in and or near the heart which can and are meant to explode or self-destruct. And since we found them dead in the water does not mean that if they are a heartless that their chip is deactivated. Well who wants out?" Piers looked around as no body moved.

"I'm not leaving my people started this. This has got to end." Tessa answered. "Let's get started." Piers smiled. Everyone to their tent let's get to work. They divided into equally spaced-out huts. "Put these on all of you we're not sure what we're getting into. They dosed the special aprons gloves and safety googles. That had a special lenses that could flap down and magnify everything in front of them to project whatever object in front of them to look bigger. "Ok, Emmitt go ahead." Piers said. "Already done." He said as he finished placing tube filled blood as the blood samples from the subject. "Julian take notes. Tessa evaluate the body before we crack into his chest soon here."

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