"It's a good theory for her to hold onto. She is still angry for being tossed away." Emmitt replied sadly. "You know she may have someone coming for her. Whether for good or bad reasons. She's been destined as a savior. It is a huge burden to carry alone." "That is why we should give her all the support, compassion, and our strength don't you think my friend?" Emmitt asked Lalo curiously wondering where exactly this conversation was going. "Absolutely, I am just making sure you are aware of the situation Emmitt we are going to war with a powerful enemy. Her people will come I've watched you watch her over these months sometimes things we love are not always good for us."

"You think I love her?" Emmitt asked surprised by the words that just came out of Lalo's mouth. "You misunderstand I need you to remind Tess of those words. Look at her Emmitt she is not just a Skylander, she is one of us. Her people started the enemy that doesn't make them honorable. We see what they do, and we've seen who she is. Law is different for her here. Wouldn't you accept her as a second in command even just for Malik or Luca she would do the job well under your rule when you take place for Tahlia." Lalo begged out with hopeful eyes.

Emmitt didn't even think about asking her to be a successor he looked behind Lalo and looked around at all the people who listening intently in their conversation. "You are not the only one who wants this ae you?" Emmitt looked at all in the eye knowing the answer when every single one broke eye contact to confirm that thought Emmitt smirked. "We will see what fate will have." Emmitt placed is hand on Lalo's shoulders and mounted his horse. "Ready?" Tessa asked fixing her mess of a hair back into a high pony tail. "Ya." "Lead the way onward. My friend." Tess said with a wink Emmitt rolled his eyes. "You're not going to make me regret using that word are you?" He laughed. "Just lead the way." She teased.

It was incredible how at home she felt. How natural it was being around the villagers all the tribe members. She really thought her parents were smart enough to make a home here. They put so much faith in the man ahead of her. Tess was so grateful it was not misplaced. Tess would be lost without him she thought. Knowing much of her earlier years was definitely speeding up the process of her memory. Tess was getting more and more flashes of her life. Fearing she would be awake soon. With a heavy heart she did not want to leave, she started to feel sad. Even her parents stayed right on the lines of the village boundaries so they could say they did not break a treaty.

"You should be warned some of the things you will see here are not pleasant for the eyes or mind. After all they are mainly a cannibal tribe. Their section handles punishments. They don't always eat on people, they eat any and everything. Only ones they've ever eaten are those sentenced to death or to lose a limbs for crimes against others." Emmitt tried to explain. She looked up and saw the gates with skulls on it through spears. Stopping her horse.

"The great Tessandra is not scared of wood and bones is she?" Emmitt asked curiously. "I had a dream about this place. This is wrong. We should leave." Tessa whispered to Emmitt. "We need to train here there are some great warriors and people in there who need to be guided properly to win this battle. Hey." Emmitt whispered grabbing her attention back "What was in your dream?" He asked curiously to wonder what it was that could her back. "A snake." Tessa hissed out.

"An evil twisting snake. He changed colors his heart, his chest was blue just as his eyes but the eyes were so familiar I've seen them when they weren't shining that evil glow." "We are in the woods there is probably a snake in there somewhere I'm not gonna lie." "No, there is a nest of snakes in there just like Jedikai." Tessa snapped back in another whisper. Emmitt understood her now.

"Look, we have to do this. Sometimes the best thing to do is to draw they prey out and play dead before you the hunter pounce. So you go in there like the great hunter you are and draw that prey out. I'll be right next to you the whole time." She looked at him and nodded. "Funny that sounds so familiar Déjà vu feeling. I guess I've done this before. Calling out the enemy without actually calling out the enemy."

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