The shadow was amused, until he got a better look at her there was enough light at this point to see everything around them without the sun being completely out. "Awe you are alive than? Well you better live through this we've got such big plans for you lass." "Sorry to cancel them." They came running at each other every swing he swung he missed and every attack she made she nailed right into him. She contacted every blow yet he couldn't get one.

She somehow knew every spot to hit him after watching the way he fought the others. He picked her up and threw her at least ten feet back. He was quickly upon her. She was being pinned down and strangled by him he was very strong. She thought she could hear Maliks voice other warriors had arrived. Emmitt and the one called Lalo tried to pull the monster off of her he managed to throw both men back a few feet.

Giving Tessa the perfect time to reach in her boot to grab sages dagger and shove it straight through his evil blue eye. Cutting it out. He shot up off her screaming in a scream she's never heard before. He took off running with such speed. The other warriors had no chance to catch up but they still tried running after him. "You're a damn fool you know that?" Emmitt said pulling her up to her feet his left arm was now bleeding slightly after being slit by a rock. Tess was bruised on both arms. "The man in the tree." She started." Malik has him in Luca's tent their trespassers this shouldn't have happened they shouldn't have crossed on our lands." Lalo said full of anger. "They are the tribe that took Sage." Emmitt whisper to Tessa.

"I know." "And yet you still fought for them" Lalo yelled back in disgust aggressively approaching her as Emmitt stood in front of Tess in case his fellow warrior felt brave enough to go through him for her. Tessa shoved Emmitt to the side stepping straight up into the mad man's face. "They got what was coming to them. Look down they are gone and one probably fights for his life even if he doesn't bleed out he will fight infection. I believe in a fair fight in justice but they didn't stand a shot in hell. They lived their years and died within seconds. They got what was coming to them in a way nobody deserved. " She snapped back. The men all looked down at the two men that lied dead.

"They will be at Lucas shortly. Let's go get cleaned up he said to the others." Emmitt said taking her walking back to the home "How did you know where I was?" She asked Emmitt. "I knew you left I told Maliki I sent you to the river to bring water. Truth is I know what it's like to have demons chase you to the point you can't breathe. I know every rock and tree in these lands This" He pulled on of her flowers holding it up to her.

"Home, No?" "It makes me sad you know more about me than I do." "I know you through your parents and your personality. Don't wonder alone again in the night. That's when the heartless do their dirty work. " "Thank you." She said softly "Don't do that to me again, this is a circle of trust so let's not start lying to each other and sneaking of now ya?" "Agreed."

They entered the tent. "What happened?" Zayne roared out into the room. "Your friends apparently missed you." Piers replied sarcastically. Receiving a hard glare from both Abriel and Zayne. "Enough!" Tessa snapped she walked in the center. "How far would you go for your family?" Tessa spoke up loudly for the whole to hear. They all looked curiously.

"These men, those men did not have any idea where they really were and even if it did it ceased to be important. They were chasing a very common enemy the shadow. Apparently your Tentoria are taking their people from their homes from their own lands and dragging them through yours to possibly start a war with you so they continue taking others without being worried of a friction because you battle each other instead of battling them so both sides of you are losing resources and men." Taking a deep breath looking around the room.

"From the outside eye of all your tribes it almost looks like you are enabling the shadows allowing them to go through your lands and only stopping the other tribe almost as if you are helping with these abductions yourselves. That shadow this morning was a distraction for those men. They took a girl I heard her screams through his radio piece. I suggest we make peace treaty with this tribe clear your innocent name. Expand while combing as much warriors as you can to fight the real enemy instead of wasting time, men, energy and effort on fighting with each other. We should hurry before they start taking your people as well if they had not been already." "To clear innocence is to apply we are guilty first which we are not!" Ira told her with force.

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