21 Dancing in the Snack Aisle

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No matter how much I want to I can't shake the way the queen and I looked upon each other. It was a mirror so fine-tuned that I couldn't tell where I ended and she started, and yet when I brought it up to Theo, he hadn't the slightest idea what I was talking about. His hands trace beautifully over my skin as he guides me through the dances, eyes rarely straying from me. My confidence tonight is like a blinding light, everyone shudders from the sight. Panthers prowl around, one that I wasn't expecting bounding over to me. Short of red heel this time, "Eos! You look wonderful this evening."

My therapist gives a friendly smile to Theo. Theo returns the offer with an extended hand. Thanks are shared between the two, but they kept a lack of introduction. He looks much different in real life compared to behind a screen. His jaw is sleek, eyes coming up into a more cat like shape. He's a beautiful man, a grace that I would dream to exhibit. Even the way he holds the glass is captivating. Theo mentioned that each animal came out in human form, but wow this is other level. I catch the queen's eye. She's landed on the therapist as well, her own look of confusion coming over it. Something feels weird about it. A stirring in me. I ignored it with the King, but now... It's nothing like I feel with Theo. However, I must respect the attraction that sits in the back of my mind. What is wrong with me? This man needs to go back behind a screen and stop sending my mental confusing into more turmoil.

Then Theo speaks, and my world is right. The attraction falls off me, my eyes only set on him. The panther becomes nothing but an annoyance in my time against my mate. Even the tendril of thought falls away. A voice comes into the back of my head. I can't recognize if it's mine or not, but I don't care either way: not yet "It's good to see you friend. How's business?"

"It's wonderful after you gave such a stunning referral. I can't keep up with all the requests. Soon I'll have to boot Eos so I can make time for some newbies." He jokes taking a long sip of his champagne. Theo pulls a glass off a tray slipping it over to me. I take a long drag as well enjoying the bubbles rolling down the back of my throat. This dress was made to be light, but each moment it feels ten times heavier. The heat. It's becoming a sauna in the room with all the people dancing and laughing. The wine hasn't worn off, so the champagne just adds to it. I'm enjoying the bubbles, the feel of freedom this adds to my already wonky brain.

"I'm glad to hear that it's going so well. Our own business has been taking off. The humans are finally seeing the bigger picture, after our tumble with the wolves we'll be able to build new real estate in the human districts. It's a great time with the new market, expected to become even more seller focused on the near future." Theo talks business too easily. He works his way into warm conversation, the panther following. He'd followed the curves of my body with his eyes, but the moment he realized what he'd been doing, he stopped. The dragon king and his queen approach our little group as well making it an uncomfortable power party. The three men give each other the nods, all eyes connecting before words are shared.

"Ah, the pride leader to be. Thank you for joining us this evening." Pride leader? I snap my gaze up to him, his grin is sheepish. Theo rolls his eyes snorting at the king in a very bear fashion, "It's been too long Xavier. We need you around more often."

"That seems incorrect when you ran me off for sleeping with all the servants last time I visited." He jokes throwing a friendly punch into the king's arm. Leo throws his head back in laughter, Azalea sliding back to hide behind him. More like away from me. She seems to see the same thing I do, and just as uncomfortable.

Leo pulls his mate forward for us all to see. Her face squishes against his side, a grunt of disapproval leaving her, "No mate then?"

Xavier rubs the back of his neck with his hand, the other slipping into the front pocket of his slacks, "I've been traveling the states, but I can't seem to find her. My father is worried about the timeline for panthers finding their mates, and the cat is scratching. I've started donating time at the soup kitchen just to get a break from his banter." The panther is much different compared to when he's working. His solid black irises glow against the blue, a clean face instead of the stubble. His posture is much more relaxed, like a cat you hold up with one hand and they flop.

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