1 Donut Touch Me

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I tangle my hands together whilst standing in front of the masses of people. My heart hammers, chest constricting in fear. I tighten my fingers around the wooden lectern. It's a frightening attempt to gain control while the darkness swirls behind my eyes. The people scream, some clapping. I find a couple that I recognize smiling ear to ear. This is it. This is the end. I have my masters and a job and success and happiness... wait no.

"Welcome class of 2035, my name is Eos Dextral. I wanted to start with a gracious thanks to all that encouraged me and helped me get to my place. As the youngest director of the photography department, I continue to find surprise in all successes that present themselves." My words are rehearsed, a force continuation of thoughts that rather disagree with the truth spinning in my head.

"I have been asked to speak today based on the amazing steps I have taken to achieve such success and position within the university; however, I would like to disregard that and focus on you all." I never deserved this job. This was a fluke. He forced me.

"I have been beyond blessed to watch each one of you grow into stunning adults. Some of you I only met in the required gen-ed that I taught, others shared their passions with me, and we worked side by side to capture the essence of this school. Some of you, while I have never met you, I was able to pass by your late running's to class, lunch conversations, and night studies that have given me more insight into yourselves than you realize." Breath Eos, "You all have done it. You will cross this stage and receive a degree that will lead you headfirst into the world that plans to eat you alive. I am proud to see it, proud that you all get to make a difference. There are a few faces that I wasn't convinced would make it," I scan my eyes over the crowd meeting the few people that almost gave up, most meet me with a large smile, "But I know now that my doubt was uncalled for."

Carter Rick meets my eyes. He's the man that holds position above me. My personal demon. He gives me a broken smile; it doesn't meet the eyes. Rick was more than against me standing here today. He wanted me in his home, in his study, away from the prying eyes of the university, "I know that the people in my life have led me to greatness. I can only hope that you have people to do the same. And if you don't, younglings, remember to be your own encouragement, your own strength. I believe in each one of you. And with the final moments I am allotted, congratulations!" The greatest I have is something out of a horror story.

The dean calls them forward letting them shake my hand, then someone from the main office, then his. They all force their smiles, me joining. While I love these kids fiercely, many of their faces will be forgotten the moment they leave this stadium. I hope they do well, and I hope they stay away from the world I have found within the walls of this university.

One of my more passionate students enters the stage. Claire. She's a stunning woman, a beauty that can't be explained. Her pale blonde hair paired with deep blue eyes, "Thank you so much, for everything, Professor Dextral." She pulls me into a hug instead of the handshake. There were many nights this young woman was crying in my office, begging for answers I couldn't give her. She understood my pain, understood the walls that close me in, and I was able to save her. Or at least help her save herself.

"I love you, Claire. You have my cell, yes?"

"Of course, Prof. I'd never lose it." She whispers pulling away from me to grab the degree. The dean ways her off the stage with a frown. One of the rules that were discussed was handshakes only, but I don't mind. I would've resigned if he caused a scene. Would you? The letter I have written up sits in my laptop saved in my draft folder. It waits for me to finally fill in the end date, but with Carter Rick breathing down my neck I'm not sure it'd make it to the other person.

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