20 A Dragon Night Out

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"You wouldn't believe that." I slur over a glass of wine. The girls around me are just as giggly. We have bottles sent up from the men to 'help' us get ready. Chas snorts, her white wine spilling slightly over the edges of the glass onto the hard floor.

"Oh, but I did! He swore up and down that the only way to tame his bear was to cuddle. Look at me, the idiot, when I find out he can call his bear forward and used it to touch me. Not to mention that fact that I loved it!" Chas spits across the room. Sydney laughs from her edge of the couch, adding into the hectic conversation between us. We have three hours before the event, and none of us have left the comfortable pajamas the hotel provided us. Let alone the softest robes we've ever felt wrapped around our bodies. Why would I ever want to get ready for an event when this is the life!

"Looks like you have more to work through than you want to admit." Syd chimes in laughing at the red face leaving Chas from the admittance. Chas rolls her eyes back, then tosses her hand for dramatics. My wine is singing to me, I take the quiet moment to slurp a long drag. Syd pokes once more. Her question is minorly probing, and Chas gives a grunt in return. My choice is ignoring the matter doesn't stick long when Chas is calling me into the conversation begging to cover her butt.

"Eos, help me out here. Sydney isn't right. Just because I enjoy his presence, want his touch, beg to kiss him, and feel safe in his arms doesn't mean I have feelings." Her words are a taunt, I don't know how to respond. The whole thing sounds like she does have feelings, and yet she's holding herself back from admitting it, "I mean, wouldn't I need to... well no I already do."

"You can feel whatever you want." Strategic. Smart. I hum to myself when I go for the bottle to pour another glass. Syd slaps my hand before it touches the bottle mouthing at me to be honest. My own eyes roll this time, "But Chasity, if I'm honest with you, it sounds like you like him. Have you thought of him in a sexual way?"

"I can't think of him in any other way! All I think about it how wonderful it would be for him to grab me and just..." Her voice trails off looking at the doorway. I turn my back to see the men standing with their arms across their chest, a smirk across Hunters. Chas turns the same color as a strawberry, body slinking into the couch trying to avoid the look that she's receiving from her mate.

"Don't let us stop you, what were you say my lovely?" Hunter calls from the doorway. Chas curses under her breath, takes a bottle of un-opened wine, and escorts herself to the bathroom. The rest of us look like a deer in headlights with four bottles of wine empty between the chairs we lounge in. Theo laughs at my buzzed state, Slate sighing at his wife. The two waltzes in and grab the glasses from our hands, then work on getting rid of the bottles. They take their time getting everything cleaned up, then stop themselves before us. Our heads spin a little, at least mine does.

"You two are supposed to be getting ready for the dragon ball that's starting in a little over two hours." Slate taps his watch, a glare coming over his warm features.

"You aren't wrong." Syd taunts from her side. I laugh at the challenging features she tries on. Her eyes go to thin slits, chin setting. However, with the wine, she looks more like a child trying to fight their parents from going to bed. I give the same look towards Theo, neither Syd nor I am winning the argument. Both the men groan nodding to Hunter from the center of the room. Hunter calls out to someone in the hallway. It's a ruckus of metal before a woman comes around the doorway with stacks of equipment tucked on a small cart, "What's that?" She tosses her thumb at the lady while Slate waves her in closer.

"This is Stella, she'll be your hair and make-up stylist for the afternoon. Her team should be here shortly. The guards outside the door remarked on you giggling for hours, and we decided that this might be helpful." Slate gloats at his innovation. Sydney stands bringing him in for a long, sensual kiss. If we weren't in the room, it would've escalated. I almost offered to leave to let them have time together, but the cough from Hunter was enough to get them to break apart. Syd doesn't bother to hide her smug happiness, Slate giving her a promising look.

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