19 Dancing With The Night

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Chas drops her bag on the side table and rushes at me. I'm barely awake when she throws herself onto the bed yanking me from the warmth of the covers. I could've sworn moments before Theo was holding me close tangled naked together. Now I'm just naked, "Eos wake up!" She yells close to my ear dragging the sheet back. My body chills at the feeling of the air rushing over my uncovered skin. Her own begging's go silent at the sight, "You could've told me you're naked! Geez!"

I grumble reaching my hand out for the covers, but she stops my hand. My eyes roll back into my head, mouth dropping open. Just five more minutes I want to beg, but she doesn't let up until I'm rolling my body forward into an upright position. The glare I give her is deadly, my eyes raking over her smiling face. Hair shoots from all directions of my head, some of it just scrunched into a ball, "I can't believe you." I grunt shoving from the rest of the sheets to strut into the bathroom.

After our fight Theo and I moved to a new level of understanding between one another. He continued to ask what I wanted, what I needed, and some examples on what I'd hope to see. In the same regard, he explained his desires and wants. More than anything else, it was a healthy conversation between the two of us and led to a wonderful night of communication. I turn bright red at the thought, my eyes scrunching with a smile. Chas whistles at my butt right when I walk into the bathroom, her laughs following soon after. Her excitement is evident. Our plane for Europe leaves this afternoon and she's more than ready to travel the world. Hunter and she have been attached at the hip, Hunter's requirement more than her. He's been trying to show his care, but she keeps shoving it off. And I completely understand. Her journey with her bear mate is only for her, and I won't jump in or make comments unless she asks me too. However, I will admit I wish he'd back off sometimes in conversation.

The shower pours over me. A cocoon of warmth that I wish I could trap in a bottle. After a long night of sweat nothing feels better than letting it all wash off in the morning. Shampoo is scrubbed well into my hair. With a quick rinse, I do a second round letting the suds pour through my fingers. Ah, clean. Then onto my body. I take my sweet time washing every inch. It's not often I get to enjoy nudity alone. Theo attempts every chance possible to give me a bath, especially if he's able to wash my hair. Bears. Finally, I'm stepping out wrapping a warm towel around myself with a sad looking Theo waiting at the doorway, "If I knew you'd wake up so quickly I would've been up here to help."

"Maybe that's why I woke up so quickly." I wink at him tucking the edge of the towel under itself, so it holds up right over my breasts. Theo rolls his eyes while walking over. He grabs the edge of the towel tugging me into his chest, "Good morning then."

"Good morning." He kisses down my jaw, eyes tracing over my face with such love I almost fall at the knees, "You look ravishing darling." His knuckles trace my hips when the towel breaks at the overlap. Lips peck over my chin, neck, forehead, anywhere he can access while I'm giggling and throwing my head around. My fist wraps around the towel to keep it up while Theo playfully tugs. I use my free hand to shove at his chest and get him to take a step back so I can leave the bathroom. Chas has left, but the imprint of her on the bed remains from where she pulled all the covers to her to get me out of the bed.

"Is everything ready for the flight today?" I change the topic in hopes to keep his mind on less suggestive thoughts. Theo leaves the bathroom with a frown but pulls out his phone to check on the flight plan. Slate and Mr. Feltner have worked together to get everything in order and ensure the safest path, surprisingly that being a commercial flight instead of the private plans the village owns, "And please tell me the food won't be terrible."

"Slate made sure to handle the food to be something tolerable. The flight plan is still in place, all first-class tickets for us. We have a bed space as well, so we'll be able to sleep comfortably." Theo clicks through the information, then slides over into another app. I assume it's his email that grows by the minute. I've offered to help sooner than we've talked about, but he made it clear that until the wolves were handled that my focus should be on staying alive.

His Little One (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें