2 Plane Rides to Freedom

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"Now I must warn you that in my... village we find touching women we aren't dating is a large offence. I need explicit permission from you to touch you beyond a common handshake incase things get a little... traffic filled." He seems conflicted as we stand at the doorway. I nod my head; his ears shift listening in to the hallway.

            "I give you explicit permission to touch me as necessary. Let's not be late." He nods tightening his hold on me. I let him drag me from the office, nothing but myself in tow. My cuts rip open, blood staining through the skirt. The taste of freedom, oh dear it's so sweet. Don't cry, Eos. Today is not the day. Today might be a good day.

            "Eos Rick!" I hear the familiar blood curdling yell of Carter. Jackson is right behind him with his club in hand. I kick off my heels to get better traction, Johnathan holding me in a jump to make it easier. The tears I fought slip down my face as we rush out the back door. A black car is waiting for us, the driver is sitting in his seat, back door wide open. Johnathan tosses me into the car turning to give me his back as I scramble into the seat. Carter and Jackson breakthrough the back. I can feel the heat of his anger from the seat, "She's mine you mongrel."

            Carter waves Jackson forward, who continuously beats the club against his hand. Tears fall freely from my eyes, I'm crying out for something, anything. Jackson steps up pulling his club back, but Johnathan grabs it mid swing. I watch the shift of his muscles midair as he catches the brunt force. Holy shit.

            Johnathan tosses him to the side waving on Carter who goes for his with bare hands. Carter drops looking to perform a cheap shot, but Johnathan's to fast wrapping his hand around his wrist, then lifting him up to make eye contact, "Watch yourself, beasty. I can have my people here in under a minute, and they won't be as gracious as me." Carter is thrown across the parking lot, Johnathan dropping into the car. He fixes his suit that shifted with the minor brawl, "Let's head out. I know a fantastic place for lunch."

            The driver takes his time moving through the city. Only back roads, nothing on the main that could easily be followed. I watch Johnathan type away on his cell, some moments throwing me a glance. I tug my skirt down to catch the blood that drips. This is a nice car I don't want to ruin, "I can smell the blood, Eos. It's alright."

            The stench of copper is strong in here, "I'm so sorry, I fell and hurt myself and running ripped it back open."

            He gives me a knowing look, but chooses not to probe, "If that's your story, then I will submit to what you need me to believe. We can stop at the hotel I'm staying at. Mr. King has booked you a room under his name. I'll have bandages and such sent up for you. Do you want any assistance?"

            "Assistance? Like help?" My voice is stutter. I can't believe what I'm hearing, nor do I want to. This could all be a horrid dream that I am forced to shove down my throat. He could be driving me to somewhere much worse, but somehow, without knowing anything about him, I can believe that Johnathan Slate is a good man.

            "Yes, our company consists of people dedicated to helping. We are more like a family than most, and not in the condescending way that most companies use the terms. My wife is here with me, and she can help you clean up. She just offered to drop by some clothes as well, however she is bearing cub so she's a little bit bigger than your smaller frame." Bearing cub?

            "Like pregnant? Is that a Canadian way of speaking?" Johnathan curses under his breath then runs a hand through his hair. I wait patiently for his response. I doubt he'd hit me if I asked to many questions, but three years ago I thought the same thing about Carter.

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