Truth Revealed 🌼🐡🚨

Start from the beginning

"No, of course I'm not mad, kid. Why would I be?" The man spoke in such a gentle voice that it almost sounded like he was speaking to a frightened animal. THen again, I did kind of feel like a frightened animal.

I shrugged. It's not like I'm going to tell this stranger that I thought he was going to be mad because everyone is always mad at me and likes to beat me up. I'm not that stupid. In fact I go to a school for nerds, so some may even say I'm smart. That reminds me.

"Wait, what time is it?"


"I'm going to be late for school!" I take off running in the direction of the subway, hoping and praying that I will make it there on time. I probably shouldn't have left the man like I just did, but I can't afford to be late to school again. May said that the next time that I'm late, she's going to punish me severely.

Luckily I made it there just in time to slip through the doors of the subway just as they were about to close. There weren't any seats left, so I had to stand, but I didn't mind. AFter a long subway ride, I finally made it to school. Now I'm hoping to be able to survive without a beating from Flash.

(Eugene) Flash Tompson is on both the football team and the Academic Decathlon team. His dad is also a huge deal in the business world. Basically meaning Flash is rich. He also has been personally making my life worse than it already is. He's been picking on me since Kindergarten.

The bell rings signifying that it is time to go to first period.

Time Skip brought to you by Tommy! ( ❛︠ ͜ʖ ︡❛)

It was lunchtime and I once again was sitting by myself. I always sit by myself because I don't have any friends, not since Mathew. In third grade this boy named Mathew asked to be my friend and of course I said yes. We started hanging out and talking.

There was so many red flags that I should have seen, but I was a dumb kid and I never had a friend before. I won't go into detail, but basically he was only using me and almost got me arrested. He killed this woman and planted evidence that pointed to me, but he got caught in the end. I've been afraid to have a friend since. Well I'm afraid of them using me, not trying to frame me for murder, not everyone is a crazy lunitic like Mathew was.

This one kid named Ned tried to sit with him at lunch one time in middle school, but I was too scared to talk to him. He ended up being friends with this girl named MJ. He seems to be truly nice, so I might've missed my chance to have real friends.

I've been hurt by so many people in my life that I've learned that no one cares about me, that not everyone who smiles is nice, and that everyone who is nice just wants something from me. Most people who have gone through similar experiences have turned out to be mean and angry people, but not me. I try my very best to be nice to everyone I meet because I don't want anyone else to go through what I have.

I lost my parents when I was 5. They were in a plane crash and it was my fault. I begged them to come home sooner and so they did. They wouldn't have been on the plane if it wasn't for me. I was then sent to live with my Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Uncle Ben was so nice and I loved him so much. Besides my parents, he was the first and last person who was ever nice to me. May was okay.

3 years ago Uncle Ben was murdered and once again it was my fualt. This man robbed the store I was in and I let it happen. I could have stopped it, I should have stopped it, but I didn't. Uncle Ben tried to stop him and he got shot. It was all my fault.

Everyone I care about dies because of me. I leave death and destruction everywhere I go. May blames me for what happened that night. She says I deserve everything that she does to me, and she's right. I deserve to suffer because I'm a murderer.

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