Wait... Where was the switch?

"Uhm... I don't think I remember the switches." Heat rushes to my face as I admit that I forgot where the light switch is in my kitchen.

"Here..." Ibrahim switched on and off a couple of switches before the light came to life. I sheepishly glance at his face. An amused smile played on his face as he stared at me.

"Milk!" I quickly changed the subject. This is embarrassing!

"Do you know where the milk is?" He teased me. I shot him a glare to which he chuckled. I opened the fridge and held out the milk bottle.

Pouring some of the milk into a pot, I asked, "how much will you heat it?" I didn't look in his direction, I can see the reflection of him watching my all moves.

"Just normal. To get rid of the cold."

"You should sleep, it's already 2:15," Ibrahim says once we settle on the bed with the milk bottle. Ihsan came prepared yesterday. Thankfully, she brought Ali's milk bottle.

"I will, once he finishes the milk. Will he sleep just after drinking it?"

"Sometimes. Most of the time, he sleeps after half an hour of drinking it." It is absolutely lovely to see Ibrahim settling Ali in his lap and feeding him the bottle of milk. Masha Allah!

All of a sudden, I get curious. "Ibrahim?"

"Hmm?" he says without looking at me.

"How did you manage Ali all alone?"

A small smile appeared on his face, "I learned some classes. Though, I didn't exactly do what they told me." He said, still not looking at me. I never heard he took classes.

"Classes? How long?"

"A couple of weeks."

"You stopped then?"



"It was not my thing. I didn't want to parent Ali the way they showed." He was focusing on the bottle, hard.

"Did your family know?"

Finally, he looked at me. "No! Please don't tell them, okay?"

I smiled a mischievous grin and shrugged.

He narrowed his eyes, "what does that mean?"

"I don't know." Again I shrugged.

A naughty smile appeared on his face as well, despite my prediction. "Fine, I'll make it even. If you tell them this, then I'll tell them that you are a scaredy crow in the dark." I blink at him. No, he doesn't have a slow brain.

"I'm not scared of the dark!"

"Oh, I know." He shrugged just like I did.

"Ibrahim!" He looked at me nonchalantly.

"What?" He asked still with a nonchalant tone.

"I won't tell them." My voice was a little low.

"Good. Now, let's sleep. Ali has fallen asleep." I looked at Ali, he has fallen asleep with the nip of the bottle inside his mouth. Ibrahim slowly put the bottle away and laid Ali down in the middle of the bed. "You know, you stare a lot." I quickly avert my eyes at his words.



The morning was full of small talk and eating lots of breakfast. As per tradition, Hairah's family made lots of breakfast with different types of dishes. Again, as per tradition, my family --my parents and Ihsan's, came here.

Within less than a total of 24 hours, I learned a lot about Hairah. I thought of her as a bold, strong woman. But it turns out that, she is childlike inside. Though, she speaks where she thinks it is needed.

I, sometimes, notice that she makes me smile with her carelessness or more childlike behavior. But, I've learned tough. I'm not going to fall for anyone, because honestly, I'm afraid. As much as I want to appreciate the moment and live within it, a fear crosses my mind, reminding me of my past. The terrible past.

Last night, when I saw how she handled or accepted Ali's cry, I felt grateful. Even for a moment, I let my mind believe that she will become a good mother to Ali.

"Ibru?" Ihsan's words broke my bubble.


"Ali cried again, right? Hairah told me when I asked." A sympathetic smile appeared on her face.

My throat dried up a while ago. I should probably go fetch myself some water. I sluggishly trailed to where the kitchen is. The women's loud chattering cause my heart to pace a little faster.

"Still, Waleed was a better match, though Ibrahim is more handsome." I stopped in my tracks. My heart racing to its extent. I didn't even enter the kitchen and I heard this.

"What did you say, aunty?" My eyes widen when I heard Hairah's voice. Has she heard it?

"Oh, nothing, we were just talking." The earlier woman said.

"That would have been better but I heard you. Ibrahim is my husband and by Allah's sake, don't judge him!" Her voice echoed through my ears.

"No need to get worked up Hairah, we were just concerned. It's not like he is a saint." The words were drilling a deep hole through my body. I couldn't move.

"I don't need your concern. He is my husband. The one Allah gave me. So stop talking about us and do some supplications to please Allah!"

"Ayra! Lower your voice, what if someone hears you?" It's her mother.

"Ummi, sorry, but make them understand, will you?"

I turn my feet and walk further away from the kitchen. "Jeeju, Ali won't stop crying..." Asra comes to me with a crying Ali.

"Don't worry, I'll take him." I carry Ali and make my way to Hairah's room. I hug Ali, the only comfort I have. He stopped crying the moment he was in my hand. That is something I wonder about, Ali only stays with someone for less than 5mins and then he starts crying. But with Hairah, he doesn't.

The door jolts open, making me jump. A furious-looking Hairah walks in through it. She notices me and calms down a little. "I didn't realize you were here." She closes the door behind her.

"Ali cried."

"Can we go to your house with your family? We are departing tomorrow..."


Fact about me; I am still unmarried;)
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