chapter 5

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3rd person pov

At Fajr, Ihsan prays to her Lord, crying. She knows her brother has been heartbroken for some time now. He has been broken since his divorce. He paints a smile on his face and tries to act nonchalantly, but she is his sister. She knows him too well. She knows he needs a shoulder to lean on. He needs someone to share his responsibilities.

She recalls how much he loved his ex-wife, Wafa. He trusted her. He believed in her. But Wafa failed him. She failed their son. She failed Ali.

In the morning, when Ihsan is putting on her hijab, her husband, Sajid, asks, "Are you sure about this?"

Without looking at him, she replies, "If not now, then it will be too late." Though her voice is gentle, her heart beat rapidly. She veers around to face her husband. "I don't know, Sajid, what I'm doing. I can't just sit and watch him be miserable. He is taking care of Ali, but he needs to rest!" Seeing his wife break down, the husband caresses her in a hug.

"Allah is seeing everything Ihsu. He will take care of him. We are praying for him. In Sha Allah, Almighty will soon give him a woman." Sajid tells his wife to assure her. But whatever he said, he truly meant it.



I am confused. What will I wear today? A maxi dress or a pleated skirt with a linen shirt? I look at the pile of clothes in front of me. Sigh.

I pull out a random dress with my eyes closed. Opening my eyes, I check the dress. Not bad! A beige maxi dress that lengths to the ankle. Okay, I'll match it with a caramel colour hijab.

I haven't called my parents yet. I woke up late today, so I haven't been able to make breakfast. I'll buy a croissant on my way to work. Anyways, after changing into the maxi dress and fixing my hijab, I call my parents.

After talking for a while, ummi informs me, "Ayra, do you know Zubaida? Cousin of Lily." I nod a no. She clicks her tongue and continues, "The party at k Hills Auditorium?" Now it clicks. I know who she is referring to, so I ask, "Yes, what about her?"

"Her... she has a cousin, his name is Saleem. He is a good man. What do you think if we take your alliance there?"

Oh! I should have expected this. Ya Allah, what now? I busy myself with my hijab and answer after thinking a bit, "My answer is the same, ummi. You can proceed if you like."


3rd person pov

"Ammi, where are you?" Ihsan asks her mother on the phone as she enters the cafeteria. "On the right side by the window." Her mother replies.

As per her mother's instructions, she carves her way. Once she sights her mother, she notices Ali in her hand. Why did she bring Ali along?

She sits next to her mother, "Why did you bring Ali?" She takes Ali in her arms, who is half asleep.

"I want to know how Hairah is with him. I can't risk anything." Her mother justifies. Yeah, she is right.

"I'll call Hairah." She takes out her phone and dials the number.


"Where are you?" Ihsan enquires with a rapid heart.


"I mean, can you come to the cafe now?" With every word, Ihsan's heart beat faster. "We are sitting at the right corner by the window."

'Now? Okay, I am free now.'

"Okay, then bye." She disconnects the phone.

"I don't know how to ask her, Ammi." She looks at the baby who is sleeping peacefully in her arms. She senses her mother's hand on her shoulder.

"Leave everything to your lord. He is surely the all-knowing." The woman is also trying to calm herself. They just couldn't understand why they were anxious. They had asked many women before, but this felt different for both women.



"Okay, yeah, bye," I say to my colleague and leave my office for the cafe. I wonder why Ihsan sounded serious.

I formulate my direction to the right corner and place Ihsan with an elder woman and in Ihsan's hand a baby. I recognize the woman. She is her mother. The baby's face is not visible, though.

I move to them a little faster. Once I am near, I greet them, "Assalam Alaikum." I smile politely. They greet me back, too.

"This is my mother. Ammi, this is Hairah." Ihsan introduces me. So it's  Her mother. We share a little more formal talk. Her mother seems to be just like Ihsan, or should I say Ihsan looks just like her mother? They have the same features. Black eyes, fair skin, long nose.

The baby is not introduced to me, so I ask them, "Who is this adorable baby?"

"He is Ali." Ihsan states. Ali? Masha Allah, he is cute.

I smile when the baby cocks his head up from Ihsan's shoulder. I cannot control myself so I stretch my hands. He notices it and to my utter surprise. He comes! I take him in my arms and settle back in my seat.


"Hairah?" I hear Ihsan call my name. I am busy playing with this cute little boy in my arms but still, I look up at her and raise my brow in question.

" marry my brother?"

I blink. Not understanding her question. So I wait a bit to let her speak again, to complete her sentence. Something, but nothing comes. She just stares at me, blankly.

So, that was an actual question? Not a prank? Not said out random? Her face is as serious as a crocodile's.

Why do I feel tension has crossed us? So, I slowly start to ponder over her question.

I recollect she has a brother, Ibrahim. She had told me before. But he is married, if i remember it right. Maybe she is talking about her cousin's brother or someone?

"Your brother, Ibrahim? But... Isn't he married?" I recall the conversation we had before.

She looked down and again at me. "He was, but he is divorced now. He has a kid, Hairah. Ali is only one."

My body goes rigid.

I can see tears brimming in her desperate eyes. "Why would you suggest me?" I try to keep my voice neutral.

"Because I know, only a heart like yours can not refuse to give Ali a mother." She looked straight into my eyes. Something in them is shining. Desperation? A plea?

I try my best to keep my breath and body calm. I slowly look at the innocent being in my arms. He is playing with my hijab's tip. He isn't aware of the chaos happening inside my heart or around him.

Do I really have a heart like that?

But seeing Ali... The yearning to protect him travels through my vein. The desire to be the mother of this innocent kid journeys through my essence.


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