chapter 22

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We reached my apartment before Asr. We weren't alone, some of my cousins followed us here. Including, Sana's mother.

We had plenty of gifts to bring home and she had insisted to help. She is kind and almost the same as before. Unlike her daughter who changed drastically.

Reaching my apartment, I made my way straight to my bedroom to get changed into something more comfortable. This saree thing was not something for me.

I carefully removed gold jewelry from me. The bracelet, Ihsan gifted me was beautiful. I still have some jewelry boxes to unveil. Especially, the one Ali has gifted me,

...Because Ihsan had texted me saying that, Ibrahim was the one that selected the small necklace inside the velvety box.

Can't wait to have a look at it.

But I have to pray Duhr before the Asr adhan gets called. So, I hurriedly take out a comfortable maxi dress. I would have gone for a pajama. But we have guests here. I don't want them to see me in my pajamas.

Twisting the bathroom knob open, I step inside to have a relaxing bath. The saree has given me some serious itching. Embroideries are good but not comfortable. Not all of them, though.
I couldn't thank Allah less. He has made this day wonderful. I am still not getting over the fact that Ibrahim talked to me! Not just talk but a compliment! Allah!!!

Just thinking of it makes a smile appear on my face. Is this easy to make me smile? This foolish grin.

Well... It isn't that foolish! My soon-to-be husband complimented me, right?

I quickly fold the prayer mat, ready to dive into the gifts. But before that, I have to address the guests. It would be rude if I haven't. It's already been some time since I am in this room.

The bag of gifts, seemingly gold, is already kept on the bed. Maybe, ummi brought it in when I was in the shower.

A few of the guests remaining are sitting around the couches, talking and laughing when I entered the living room. They don't notice me between their intense small talk.

Water. I need water. I walk to the fridge to fetch myself a bottle of water. It's kind of bizarre. I have never had visitors over here. Seeing them talk in my living room, feels unusual. Not in a bad way. Just different.

Scanning the visitors, I notice that baba was not among them. He must be in his room. Before, going to him, I stand behind the couch, seeming to be interested in whatever conversation the visitors and ummi are in.

After a minute or so, I move toward the guest room. Creaking the door open, I peek in, just in case to not disturb his nap, if he is taking one that is.

He is not. He is playing on his phone, leaning on the backrest of the bed. He has a frown painted on his tired face.

"Baba?" I call him to ask permission to enter the room. It was not necessary but I don't want to disturb him.

"Come in, Ayra. How are you? Tired?" He inquires keeping his phone away. He shifts in his place to face me properly. I gladly enter the room, "good. A bit. How about you?"

"It is slowly disappearing."

It feels kind of awkward, I don't know why. However, I am here to talk, "what were you doing?" Anything, something. I need to start the talk.

"Just, filling up your cousins in Kerala. They are demanding photos and updates. Aysha was glad that I put her on the face-time. Poor Asra is throwing a tantrum. She wanted to be here."

"Me too. But she was in the face-time too. She pulled a long face though." I chuckle at the memory. She was looking cute with a long face.

"Have you opened the gifts?" At the mention of the gifts, my face lit up. I still have to open it.

"No, let's do it now. Come?"

"Sure. Don't tell your ummi." Surely, ummi will pull Asra's long face. But she can check it out later. Besides, her talk won't seem to end soon.


I flip the bag, letting all the boxes out onto the bed. I check for the special box, I am longing to open. The off-white velvety box instantly catches my eye.

Feeling my fingers on it, an exciting shiver travels through my spine. "I'll open this first," I tell baba, who is just watching me doing my thing.

"As you wish."

With excitement overloading my body, I slowly, open the lid of the box. My eyes take in the necklace. Its simple elegant body illuminates the dark background of the box.

It has a golden chain on the upper part, with a vine and floral design on the lower part of the necklace. Tiny, diamond stones decorated the florals. It is splendid. It is simple yet so grand.

I loved it.

Ibrahim and Ali made it easy.

But the necklace alone was enough to make anyone fall in love with it.

He has good taste.

"That's looking quite stunning!" Baba's voice brought me back to reality. I look at him and again at the necklace.

"Isn't it? I loved it."

We slowly opened the rest of the boxes. The two golden-wrapped boxes, given to me by Ihsan's daughters, have a beautiful watch on one of them. And an outstanding Quran on the other.

Masha Allah! Alhamdulillah!

They were all so good that I ended up crying. I am not fond of gold but this was different. They had gifted me this out of love.



"I am giving her, your number!" Ihsan says firm.

"No! Why is that necessary? Hairah doesn't need my number now! We are not married yet!" I try to convince her.

She can't possibly give her my number. That is too embarrassing. Allah! Give Ihsan some sense.

"Done! I texted her your number!" Ihsan exclaims.

WHAT?! No...

"Just delete it Ihsan!" Come on...


"Delete it, or else..."

"Or else what? I am your elder, remember that!" She reminds me with a grin. This girl is in serious trouble.

"God, Ihsan please?" I try requesting.

Her face gleams after she takes a look at her phone, "seen! She saw the text!" She practically dances around.

What an embarrassment! What will Hairah think?

"Your password is so easy!" My already shocked face dives deeper as I realize that Ihsan has my phone in her hand, unlocked!"Sent!"



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