chapter 24

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How fast time flies! A week just went by in the blink of an eye. It wasn't that eventful. Just a busy week with work and home.

Today is Monday and the 19th of September. Only a few more days left before the wedding. I keep getting excited and nervous, alternatively.

It's lunchtime and I am going to meet Ihsan. We haven't met in the past week, due to some reasons. But now we got the time. I insisted she say whatever she has to, on the phone. But she kept denying it.

Zaina and I talked a little. She was truly happy and offered me some fun. I spot Ihsan at table no. 4. "Assalam Alaikum." I greet her once, I am near. She looks tired. Bags under her eyes and a worn-out face.

"Wa Alaikum Assalam. You are late!" She fakes an angry face but she is too tired to make it look real.

"Sorry! I had to report something to the superior." I hurried here as soon as I reported the stats.

"It's okay. Sit." That's when I notice that I am standing in an awkward position. Sluggishly, I take the seat opposite her. I could wait no longer, so I start the conversation, "what is that you have to tell me?" I should have asked the reason for her exhaustion but I already know. She had texted me about her continuous shopping spree.

Sighing, she takes a sip of her coffee. "I know I have told you this a hundred times, but still I have to say it. Ibrahim is getting on the edge, lately."

"Getting on the edge?" That is new. She hasn't said anything about this. She furrows her brows, weakly. Letting out a deep puff, she opens her mouth, "he is getting restless, by the day. You know, he kind of thinks, this is all pointless. Of course, he hasn't told me this yet. But I could read him like an open book. He is trying so hard to hide it."

She shakes her head and lets out a sigh again. Whatever is happening in their family, it is probably very difficult. I engulf her hand in mine to assure her. She looks up at me and starts to speak again, "he still doesn't trust you. He is relieved because Ali likes you but he still thinks that you will change, just like Wafa."

"Hairah, I don't know, after marriage, he'll treat you like his wife. No, I mean, he will treat you like a wife. Like, give you respect and all. But I doubt if he will, you know... Allah! What am I saying? It's just that, I don't think, he will share everything with you. He is still skeptical and... Ugh!"

She rubs her face frustrated. I know where she is going with this. I understand her. I understand Ibrahim. It happens and he needs time. I just have to prove myself. I just have to prove that I am, indeed, faithful to this betrothal and Ali. "I understand, Ihsan. Don't worry. I will manage everything with the help of Allah, Insha Allah!"

She gives me a small smile. "He, too, is trying. And I trust you. This whole thing seems like..." She looks like she is struggling to speak. So, I patiently wait for her to finish. "...easy. However, it is not. Do you know, how hard it was for me to get my mother to agree with this? She was okay with this at first but when we heard about Waleed. Everything messed up!"

She looks at me. Her eyes gleamed with hope and something I couldn't comprehend. "Hairah, I trusted you and Allah, that's why I insisted everyone agree with this betrothal. I am still trusting you."

I just can't open my vocals. I try to say something, anything. But my mouth acted like it was a fish's and not mine. It opened and closed. Giving up on words, I trusted my antics. I pressed her hands assuringly. "I won't break your trust, Insha Allah. I know Ibrahim deserves a second life, a second chance at love." I had to speak my mind. I ignore the increased thudding of my heart.

A single tear trickles down her cheek. A sad one or happy one, that I don't know.
"Insha Allah!"

I blink away the tears that had started to dwell in the back of my eyes. Ya Allah, help me keep my word.

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