Chapter 9: Bake Off!

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You nodded back, straightening in your seat and mustering up your confidence.

'I gotta do this for him! Do it for Paps! Paps is his biggest fan!' You convinced yourself, getting up out of the seat and shakily taking Mettaton's hand as he pulled you up on stage.

"You'll be needing this, dear!" He said, handing you a frilly pink apron like his.

You put it on, following him as he stood behind the cooking set.

"Why don't you introduce yourself to crowd? I thought I knew everyone in the underground, but I've never seen a face like yours!" Mettaton said excitedly, placing a clip mic on your ear and the connected battery pack in your apron pocket.

"U-Uh," You said awkwardly into the mic, "I'm Buttercup, and I learned to cook from my mother?"

"Splendid! Today, we have a special guest on our show to judge our baking today! Give it up for our previous special guest... King Asgore!"

Clapping deafened your ears. If your stomach wasn't in your stomach yet, it definitely was now. You felt your blood drain from your face as you turned, facing the imposing king as he walked with ease on stage.

He was much bigger in person. It was very intimidating. He's a lot less scary through a television screen...

"It's a pleasure to be back, Mettaton! I can't wait to judge your backing, I'm starving!" He said with a boisterous laugh, shaking Mettaton's hand.

He turned to you quickly, extending a hand to you for a shake also.

Shakily you placed your hand in his as he gripped his hand around yours, shaking it up and down with force. 

He definitely wasn't as gentle as Toriel, but he did remind you a lot of her. He let go of your hand and took a seat at the judging table to the side, the small seat bending a bit beneath him.

It made you miss her a little bit, it's different now not spending all your time with your mother.

"It's been many years since I've had this recipe, I've been craving it for a long time!" He said with a solemn smile on his face.

Quickly you turned to look at the recipe sheets on the countertop of the cooking set, the ingredients immediately becoming familiar to you.

It's Toriel's butterscotch-cinnamon pie. You weren't good at getting it exactly right but you've come pretty darn close to hers! She always changes how much she adds, funnily enough. It's never 50/50 with the butterscotch and cinnamon.

"Today's challenge will be a dessert of King Asgore's choosing, with no directions - just the ingredients!" Mettaton announced to the crowd, applaud ensuing.

A timer turned on behind you next to the glowing show-sign that you didn't notice before.

"Ready? Set? Start!" Mettaton shouted, posing dramatically before grabbing his ingredients joyfully.

Carefully you began mixing the dough, and before you knew it, you had the pie in the oven.

Flour covered your hands, arms, and apron. Cooking and baking Toriel's recipes was always so meditative for you, especially since you've made them so many times.

Looking up, you see Papyrus looking at you with wonder in his eyes, sitting on the edge of his seat.

Quickly you face flushed, heat rising in your cheeks, quickly turning to look at your timer. You'd have to take out the pie in 15 minutes, so you took this time to set up the pie plate, cutlery, and gingham cloth napkin to set your slice on.

You turned to watch Mettaton who was... sweating? He seemed nervous, and kept glancing between you and his busy work as he tried to make this pie.

Stepping over carefully next to him, you looked down at his pie as he rolled out his dough for the lattice work.

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