Chapter Twenty-Three

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I am an incredibly insecure person. I know this about myself. It comes from being raised in the shadow of my older, objectively prettier, questionably stronger, narcissistic bitch of a sister. I don't need a psychologist to tell me that, I am well aware of it. Lana got everything she ever wanted, including the first son of Godric's right-hand man, Prince.

I still think it's a stupid fucking name, by the way.

Between her being the main character in my life and my dad making sure I knew that, I typically have only one way of dealing with someone who wants something that I have or has something that I want. Roll over like submissive little bitch and pray that no one expects me to stand up for myself. Once and a while I was able to snap back at Lana, but it was never really worth it... except for the last time. But I thought I was going to die, so we're not going to count that one.

So, when I figured out that the reason Amara hated me was because she had eyes for Kade, I was not prepared for the surge of what I could only describe as white-hot rage, jealousy, and possessiveness that swept over me. I had a wild and sudden desire to rip her head off.

Now, I don't think I need to tell you why that's a stupid fucking idea. For one, Amara has had the benefit of personalized training from her sire, brothers, and countless generations before. Her control over her magic is second only to Warrick or Menes. She is strong, powerful, and I would not stand a chance if I went after her in a jealous rage. For another, Amara is an anubi. Going after her would welcome the wrath of the entire Egyptian pantheon.

It was the second fact and that alone that kept me from flying off the handle right then and there. It was a real test of my own self-control. Seriously, I have never ever been so mad in my life. I have never been violently angry before. I did not like this new side of me. It felt way too much like something that Lana has done and would do again.

And the longer I sat with the information swimming around in my head, the worse it got. Amara is everything you would want in a female mate. Strong, beautiful, independent... everything I'm not. Everything Kade deserved. Why wouldn't he be interested? He would have to be blind not to see it.

Then again, Ravi was watching the brothers play with just as much appreciation, so maybe I was just crazy. As we reached the front porch, she looked up at Karim with a wicked smile. "What do you think, my love?" she teased. "Brent is cute. He must be so lonely without a mate. I think there's a cold spot in our bed he can warm."

Karim went stiff, and he tilted his head to avoid looking at any of us or the guys playing the game. A distinct blush rose in his cheeks, and Warrick and Nimat both laughed. I just stared at her in shock. "Karim will never say it out loud," Nimat explained, hooking his arms around Karim's waist and tugging him close. "But you have a thing for blonds, don't you?"

Again, Karim said nothing, but his blush deepened, and he squeezed Ravi's hand back in silent acknowledgement.

"You won't hear any judgement from us," Warrick chuckled and winked at me. "Brent's a bit quiet for his family, but he's a good guy. Could never figure out why he's still single."

"Maybe he's just waiting for the perfect set to come along," I said quietly.

Warrick smiled down at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. A flurry of butterflies danced in my stomach as he kissed my forehead. Such a simple action after our conversation that morning made everything feel right with the world.

Then Amara made a soft 'humph' sound, and she might as well have poked a sharp stick right in the center of my insecurities. And then she twisted that stick by saying, "Some people are meant to stay single forever."

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