Mulai dari awal

After that, nagisa and honoka going eat the takoyaki while they stared on hikari that she was doing work on van.

Honoka:hikari-san looks like nothing even happened.

Nagisa:yeah. Even though all that crazy, stuff happened. Pollun awakened, and even hikari Transform. Hikari is the Queen's life? What in the world does it mean? Does it mean... Hikari is the queen? Man, i can't even begin to understand!

Nagisa don't understand hikari is the queen or not. Suddenly the man was appeared front of the store while she turned back to man.


Akane was recognize that face man was her old friends from the company. His hair was spike, his wear the office and his eyes was was bow to her.

Man:it's been a long time.



At the honoka house, nagisa and honoka on the room as the fairies tell them about hikari is queen life.

Honoka:if hikari-san is the Queen's life...

Mipple:all we need to do is collect the twelve heartiel and the Queen's heart and then...

Mepple:will the queen return to normal-mepo?

Nagisa:but, is hikari really okay?back when we first Transform with naoki-san as he was kuuga.

Honoka:yeah, we didn't really understand anything.

They remembered about 1 years ago,nagisa and honoka transformed into Precure while naoki Transform into kuuga. As the girls didn't really understanding.

Hikari:maybe hikari-san is just trying to pretend like nothing happened.


Sanae:may i come in for moment?

Before they heard from honoka grandmother as the fairly was quicky close their face and turn back to her as sanae was behind on sliding door.


After that, honoka and nagisa was doing botamochi when sanae would help them out as they don't mind and help her out. They sitting down cushion and doing make botamochi.

Nagisa:oh, so you always make botamochi this way at your house?

Honoka:yes, and my Grandma makes the bean paste.

Nagisa:oh? My family always just buys them at a store. Speaking of which, what's the different between botamochi and ohagi?

Honoka:both are rice wrapped in bean paste, but there are plenty of small difference. In general, botamochi are made in the spring when the botan trees bloom. And ohagi are made in the fall when the hagi are in bloom. Although right now we're not in either season so it's hard to tell them apart.

Nagisa:oh, i see.

Before sanae was appeared and hold the three plate with tray for them as she sitting down with them and ask them.

Sanae:are you forming the mochi properly?

Nagisa, honoka:yes.

Sanae was nervous laughing and spot that nagisa wasn't doing properly as she was first time make while nagisa was notice it. As she was blushed on her face.

Nagisa:mine might not to be so good...

Sanae(giggle):well,as long as you are trying your best it be fine. You can taste the effort.

Kamen Rider Kabuto And Futari Wa Precure Max heartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang