As long as Archimedes was comfortable, medic never denied.

During lunch, the two went and got a small container of bird food and then headed to a cafe, drinking some tea and snacking on a sandwich.

A couple more hours passed with games and arcades, even a friendly chat with someone in the shops and admiration of the medical field.

Finally, with 2 bags, medic walks back to his room and drops his stuff, placing a pile of seeds on the table for Archimedes to feast on.

Stretching and hearing his back crack like a glowstick, he sighs in contentment and looks outside the window...seeing the now slowly setting sun with ever so slight drops appearing...a slight rain.

As he walks to the bed and sits down...a moment of silence with only faint sounds of his team in the back of his mind to fill in the gaps, he picks up the laptop, searching for something only to see a message.

Reading through, he slightly blushes at his had only been "you would fit here" for all the messages.

Now he was actually being told that his work was special....he knew it was, but he was even happier to read it.

-*give me a time to start and for how long, I will tell you a doable price.*

Almost immediately, he was hit with a response.

Sending messages back and forth, a rough plan is set out and he finally gets to bed.

He was to start in a week in Italy, their HQ was apparently there and he could join. He could be a part of, from what he searched up on the fly, one of the biggest resistances and what Winston had claimed to be the "big bad"

Oh how he would pull up the middle finger to overwatch..they did not seem to take anything seriously and were chasing a goal considers idealistic and quite frankly unachievable.

He was already buying tickets and he wanted to be early, to show he was ready

Looking at Archimedes sitting at the table he smiles

-I see you are having fun
-well guess what, we are going to Italy in 2 days
-Tallon, the major resistance against overwatch

As the two chat up something the rain gets slightly heavier and soon the two fall asleep with the sun below the earth and strong droplets echoing through the building...a calming aura floating to lull them deeper into dreams.

<5-day time skip>

Medic had rented a place for a week for super cheap, he was going to be staying for only 4 days but who knows when he was actually going to be accepted.

Once the start date came round, he walked up to the supposed building's front doors and knocked as loudly as he could, soon the door dose open and a figure in full black had been present behind the door.

- and who are you?
- Medic, the hire
-ahhh, come in then.

Leaving the door open for the man behind him to enter, reaper leaves off to show medic around.

Medic quickly walks in and closes the door behind him, soon following the black figure and listening to his monologue.

- this is our HQ, you will be working with Moira and you will do whatever she asks. The entire building is open to you but whenever you enter a room you must knock. We still need to get used to your presence
- oh, I am used to that. It's alright. Now, where am I staying?
-I will take you to your room.

As he promised, reaper floats off to show medic his way, however, medic was a bit slow...this ended up with him losing his way and ending up in a hallway covered in doors.

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