8(not 100% necesery)

49 1 0

Voices mixed into one another, male and female, high and low pitch, the clicking of high heels or crunching of the stones below someone's boots.

So many sights and sounds were felt for everyone but especially for a specific 9.

Not having left the HQ for a month apart from medic getting his bird, or spy checking his one credit card, no members of the team had expected such beauty.

And with the flat being almost across the entire city, it would take them some time to get there. But with the entire day at their disposal...they were willing to spend it exploring the place than rushing over.

Entering random shops and gossiping about what they remember or don't about the items on the shelf...the lot all go into rants and back to their old ways of spewing words with nothing more than "well...what else?"

Sometimes technology had graced the isles and Engi would go into detail about there build-up, soon getting them kicked out for disruption of peace, no one was happy...but not to Engi

Walking into a random shop they had split up briefly to check out the food and some random clothes hanging around.

Scout had wandered down to the sweets and drinks, seeing a massive range of cans and bottles with oh so many bags with all sorts of sugar snacks.

Checking it all out haphazardly, he is defiantly surprised to see a gap and a slip underneath with one word and a price.

The exclamation mark stayed in his eyes and after stopping and taking a step back to check out what exactly he had seen, he reads the small slip again, and again to make sure the letters are in the right place.

 __"6 pack of_______

Looking up to the already known gap he just hopes to find one can. One even potentially half-empty one just so he can have that rush of recognition in this world of new.

But it's empty, the only thing there is a single pink can that he takes out to be Crit-a-Cola and not bonk. But checking the entire aisle again...he doesn't seem to see any pink...only the one can he holds.

Figuring it's worth taking because it's not even part of the store, he pockets it and goes off. Soon meeting with sniper and then demo.

As the group spend the next 3h walking and talking, they don't even notice as the place went slightly quieter, them entering a neighbourhood and soon the door to their flat.

Spy pulled out the keys from his pocket and walked past the others to finally open the door to a hallway with 5 doors, two left two right and one directly ahead.

-ours is second to the left.

Leaving the outer door open to the rest, he walks to the wooden slab he had claimed was there own for now, and opens it to a bland hallway with a living room at the end and another hallway to the right.

The rooms are all empty, with nothing more than a floor, 4 walls and a roof.

And also 30 stacked boxes.

With the place being huge, basically two stories alone, they had room to split. Of course not enough for one room each but enough to only have to pair up and leave one person to room by themselves.

- I already know what room I am taking, the rest of you can sort yourself out.

As spy leaves for his supposed room, the others enter one by one and have a look around.

It is different from both the original base and the overwatch HQ but the new place is defiantly greeted with smiles.

Everyone groups up at what they want to check out first, some head to find a room, or the kitchen to see what the food place looks like.

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