My boys.

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When we all go to pile out of the van after John B pulls up, he jumps out and stops us in the doorway, blocking our way out. It doesn't take much to work out his intentions or his motives.

"Look guys," he says quietly, "I think maybe this one should be a solo mission..."

"Really?" JJ asks, obviously a little disappointed.

"Look, I don't want to spook Sarah with the peanut gallery," he reasons.

I call bullshit, but I keep my mouth shut. It's obvious he's got some sort of feelings for Sarah and I, personally, am all for it. Sarah and I are friends and John B would be a way better boyfriend than Topper. Plus, I could use a female pogue that doesn't hate me 90% of the time.

"I just don't understand why we're involving her at all," Kiara starts up again.

"Kie, we're not involving her, okay?" John B argues, "it's just like a- a business meeting okay? Once we get what we need we cut her loose alright?"

And maybe I was wrong. I glare at John B with raised eyebrows and he avoids eye contact with me, which doesn't help his case.

"This isn't about you, and this isn't about us. This is about her," Kiara explains.

"Kiara, drop it. She's not the devil. John B, go. Before it starts raining," I add as thunder rumbles in the distance.

John B slips out while the boys express their dismay at the idea of being left in the hot car while a lightning storm brews and Kiara sulks. I roll my eyes and lean into JJ. I'm not sure how long I'll tolerate the skin-on-skin contact in this heat but neither of us seem to be willing to let the other go after the events of the last couple days. We leave the door open to let some air in. The tension in the vehicle is palpable thanks to Kiara and myself.

"Kiara, holding onto your grudge is like drinking poison and thinking Sarah will die," Pope says, to which JJ agrees.

"What did she even do to make you hate her so bad anyway?" I ask.

She shoots me a death glare before responding, "being her usual stuck up kook self."

"So do you just immediately hate everyone with money? You must hate yourself too then, since you live in figure eight as well and have money to your name. Quit acting like your better than everyone else just because you 'care about the environment.' Christ I've never even seen you do anything to actually help it. You just boast about how much you care and then move on," I say, getting angry again.

"Excuse me? You have no clue. You just waltzed in here and forced your way into our lives, totally changing everything and you think you have any room to talk? The only reason your here is because JJ likes your tits," she retorts.

I can't help but laugh, her feeble attempt to demean me not affecting me at all.

"Don't fucking talk to her like that Kie," JJ exclaims, sitting up straight.

"Oh come on JJ she's only in this group coz she's hot and she let you in her pants," Kiara demands.

"Kie, what the actual fuck," Pope mutters, looking disgusted.

"She's in this group because she's the best goddamn thing that ever happened to me and she's a good fucking person, who everyone but you likes," JJ near-yells.

"You only ever talked to her because she was hot, just fucking admit it. There's no one else around to have sex with and she'll give it to you whenever you want it. Summer ends and you'll find someone new, you always do," Kiara continues.

"I talked to her because she's a killer surfer. Her surfing skills drew me in, her personality kept me and sex is just an added bonus that I didn't get until well after we had started dating," JJ continues, "so drop the bullshit. You can't hate every girl that comes into our lives."

"Considering the fact that you led JJ on and dropped him in the dirt when you guys first met and just recently did the same to John B only to now hate the next girl they get with makes me think you're jealous," I say.

"I never led them on!"

"I mean, you kinda did," Pope mumbles.

Kiara looks shocked and angry. She's at a loss for words, I can see it in her face.

"I'm not jealous," she says feebly.

"Then why do you hate me so fucking much?"

Again, she's at a loss for words. She sits there uselessly while we all stare at her expectantly. Nothing.

"I need some air," I say, shuffling towards the door of the van.

"I'll come with you," JJ says, "Pope?"

Pope nods and the two boys follow me out of the van, leaving a fuming Kiara behind. JJ pulls me in for a silent hug and Pope leans against a tree, shaking his head.

"You okay?" They both ask me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just sick of her treating me like crap all the time for no reason," I say, "it's not like I ever did anything to her. I've always been nice. I'm over it."

"I get it," Pope says, "I don't understand why she's so rude to you."

"either," JJ agrees.

We all shake our heads and just kind of give up on the subject, letting the strong wind cool us down a little bit. I hear something in the distance that sounds like yelling.

"Do you guys hear that?"


"No, hear what?"

"That! Is that..."

"I can't hear anything," Pope says.


I start running towards the noise, which sounds like it's coming from where John B and Sarah were supposed to be meeting. Pope calls out to Kiara to join us and the three of them follow behind me. As we get closer the yelling gets clearer. It's Sarah yelling for help. Panic starts to set in and the four of us run as fast as we can. I see sarah leaning over someone on the ground, holding their face. It quickly becomes obvious that it's John B.

"Sarah what happened?" Pope calls.

"I don't know what to do, he needs help. Topper shoved him," Sarah says between sobs.

"Where the hell is he?" JJ demands.

"Please, please, please get help. I don't care who. Just call someone," Sarah begs.

"Go, Go!" JJ yells at Pope, who instantly runs back toward the van to try and find help.

"Pope, hurry!" Kiara yells.

I drop to the ground with Sarah and grab John B's hand. He's breathing, which hopefully means he is going to be okay. I glance up to see JJ pacing back and forth, stressed beyond measure. This is the second time in a week he's gone through this with someone he cares about and I can see how close it is to breaking him. I realise that Pope probably feels the same and all of a sudden I'm stressing about all three of the boys. My boys.

"John B, stay with me," Sarah begs, pressing a kiss to his lips, "please don't leave me."

"He's gonna be okay," I whisper, "he has to be."

I look up to where he fell from and the distance makes me feel like I'm going to vomit. He could have brain damage, broken bones, internal bleeding, anything. That's a huge fall and I'm surprised he's still breathing as it is. I want to believe that he will be okay, but there's no way to know until we get him to the hospital. Sarah sobs over John B, still holding his face in her hands. I hold his hand while crying and JJ shouts for Pope or help. Kiara just stares at him, silently crying. There's nothing any of us can do. The only thing I know is that if he's broken any bones in his spine or neck, us moving him could kill him or paralyse him. The best thing we can do is wait. So I hold his hand, JJ's hand on my shoulder and my free hand over his. I let JJ put all his stress into his grip, even though it will probably leave a bruise. I just hope that Pope can pull himself together enough to find help quickly and safely while our world caves in on us all.

I mean I have you one episode of peace and happiness?
You can't have it all guys.
Nah, for real I'm sorry there's so much angst lately lmao.

The Pogue Life || JJ MaybankOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara