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"What? When?" JJ pretends to not know what I'm talking about.


"Oh fuck, ok," he says with a sigh.

"Wait," I say, putting my hand on his leg, "when you said it you stopped yourself, and whatever reason it was for doesn't matter. I don't want you to say anything you don't mean or you aren't ready for. I don't know if I'm ready for it either. And that's ok. We will get there when we get there. For now, we only started dating like 2 days ago and shit has already hit the fan since then."

JJ laughs, "you know, Princess, had I said it, I don't think I would have regretted it. But, I agree. That big scary word can wait for a while. I'm not quite ready to scare you off yet."

"Good luck scaring me off. I'm from down under," I joke, "as long as you don't shove a tarantula in my face we're good."

"Scared of spiders?"

"Dear God yes. I know Australia is like the worst place in the world for them but those little shits terrify me. That's one of the things I love about living here. There's nowhere near as many. Back home you ran into a huntsman at least once a week."

"Well there you go, I just learnt something new about my adorable girlfriend. She's absolutely terrified of spiders," he says, tickling my waist.

I roll my eyes and grab his hand, pulling him up to join the crowd of people arriving at the kegger. I wiggle my eyebrows at him as someone sets up a speaker and drag him toward it.

"Time to dance, blondie," I say.

"I am SO not drunk enough for that," JJ argues, "not to mention the sun is still out. However, I will chug some beer with you?"

I roll my eyes, "fine. But the second the sun sets that cute little ass of yours is gonna be swaying to whatever music is playing."

He chuckles and teases me, "You think my ass is cuteee."

"And little," I deadpan.

He fakes a gasp and grabs my hand, dragging me over to where John B is handing out cups of beer to the newcomers. Kooks, tourons and fellow pogues alike. We watch as he teases a Kook with a cup and flirts with a touron. JJ and I cut the little line up happening and grab the next two cups. We link our arms and tip the entire contents down our throats. Everyone watches and cheers us on. It doesn't take JJ much to get drunk since he's been drinking all day and after a while he's stumbling around, trying to balance on the fallen tree's that make up the boneyard.

"We are family," he sings, before faceplanting into the sand at my feet.

He looks up and grins, his face coated in sand, "I'm good."

I laugh and reach down to help him up. I look around and see John B flirting with some girl, Kiara chatting with some rando about star signs and Pope talking to a pretty blonde girl about dead people. Damn.

I leave JJ to gain his balance and make my way over to rescue Pope. Or am I technically rescuing the girl? Either way I'm helping someone. I start to stumble and act drunk.

"Popeeeee," I sing, "who's this?"

"B? This is, uh, Jenny," he replies, slightly confused.

I plop down next to him, "you are stunning," I say, offering her my hand, "I'm Bianca."

"Nice to meet you," she says.

"You know, Pope here is like this whole big question mark to everyone," I ramble, "he's like totally gorgeous, and everybody wants him. But like, he's really picky. Honestly, It's kind of a surprise to see him flirting."

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