Pogue life

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After a few weeks of hanging with the pogues, the guys have pretty much accepted me. Especially after I went surfing with them. Kiara seems to tolerate me, but she's gradually coming around. She seems to just have a problem with the fact that I live in figure 8, which is so weird but I've accepted it. It's around lunchtime and we are hanging out at a house that's in the process of being built. It's a soon to be kook house. John B is on the roof, beer in hand, balancing on the very top. Kiara is checking out the inside of the place while Pope looks at the building materials on the deck. JJ and I are sitting on a platform below John B, with beers in our hands and our legs brushing against one another.

"That's what? A three story drop to the deck? I give you about a 1 in 3 chance of survival," Pope says, causing JJ and I to look up at the roof.

John B is standing at the edge, dangling one foot precariously in the air, like he is waving at us. I roll my eyes and laugh lightly. John B puts his finger in his mouth and holds it up, testing the wind.

"Should I do it?"

"Yeah you should jump, I'll shoot you on the way down," Pope says, aiming a cordless drill at John B like a gun.

"You'll shoot me?" John B says, holding up finger guns and fake shooting Pope.

"Yep," Pope says.

JJ and I glance between the two and then at each other. I shake my head and we both laugh. Kiara walks out of a door below the platform JJ and I are seated on.

"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers," Kiara says, astonished.

"Of course they are, why wouldn't they?" JJ replies.

"This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles I guess?"

"I can't have cold towels," I joke, earning a loud laugh from JJ and a soft one from Pope.

"God no you can't princess," JJ says, putting an arm around me.

Kiara ignores my comment and looks up at John B, "Can you please not kill yourself?"

"Don't spill that beer," JJ chips in, "I'm not giving you another one"

Almost immediately, John B loses his balance and drops the beer, "oh shit!"

"Of course you did! Like right when I told you not to," JJ says to himself as John B groans loudly.

I laugh at the pair of them and pretend to spill my beer. JJ grabs my hand and stabilizes it, looking me in the eye pointedly.

"Careful there, princess," he says, "we don't have any champagne for you to drink."

I roll my eyes and put the beer to my lips. JJ drops my hand and puts his up in fake surrender as I chug the remainder of my beer and sit the empty can next to me. I wipe a little I spilled off my lip, making sure to move my lip a bit in the process and look JJ right in the eyes as I do. He shakes his head at me and bites his lip a little. I laugh at him and snatch his beer out of his hand.

"Oh no you don't," he says, but the second it reaches my lips he stops reaching for it.

"Want some?" I ask, tipping a little into my mouth and leaning toward him.

He nods eagerly, eyes wide in surprise. I swallow what's in my mouth and press the can back into his hand, then tap it lightly and laugh. His face deflates and he reluctantly takes a swig of the beer.

"Hey, uh, security's here," Pope says, looking out to the driveway, "let's wrap it up"

"Shit," I laugh, standing up

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