Sleepover part one

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Pope, JJ and I drive the twinkie out to John B's and leave it there, picking up my car to drop Pope home. JJ agrees to spend the night at mine again, even if my Dad makes him stay in a spare room, which is a genuine possibility.

"Do you think we should wait to check on him?" JJ asks.

"No. He'll be fine," Pope says, "plus I really have to get home."

"Yeah, I should get home too. He probably wants some space anyway," I add.

"I guess you're right. They'll be fine."

Thankfully as we're driving past the wreck we see Kiara. We pull over and ask what happened. She tells us that they got caught by the cops and her Dad paid to bail John B out, then they went their separate ways. She keeps her explanation short and quickly leaves to go back inside. I can only imagine the sort of trouble she's in with her parents. Mine would probably kill me if I asked them to bail one of the boys out of jail.

We drop Pope home and then head back to mine. We wander inside and search for my Mum, we find her in the kitchen pouring out drinks for her and my Dad.

"Hey Mum," I say, "can JJ stay the night again?"

"Sure he can," my Mum responds before actually looking at us, "woah! Where have you pair been! You're a mess."

"Oh, we were helping John B clean up a bit after the storm. His place is a mess," I lie.

"Yeah. Not pretty," JJ adds.

"Oh no. Well, is it okay for him to stay in? He's welcome to stay here while he fixes it up if he needs," Mum responds.

"No, no, he'll be fine," I say.

"Okay. Well, your Dad is firing up the barbie. We're having rissole dippers so I hope you guys are hungry."

"What? I didn't understand half of that," JJ whispers.

I laugh, "Dad's outside starting the barbeque. Rissole dippers are little rissoles cut up into bite-size bits that we dip in this sauce my Dad makes. They're a Daniel Anderson specialty, and a staple in our house. You'll love them."

"Whatever you say, princess," JJ responds.

"Go take showers," Mum says, "dinner won't be ready for another half hour."

"Okay," I say, pulling JJ upstairs to my room.

I grab a change of clothes, opting to wear a proper bra for once and a simple dress since we'll only be in them for a few hours. Then, I head downstairs to use the shower that's working thanks to the generators. Meanwhile, JJ heads out to the car to grab his bag. I wash the paint out of my hair and all the crap off my body then head upstairs to find JJ. I find him talking to Zac in the hallway and grin.

"What you talking about?"

"None of your business, sis," Zac replies.

I roll my eyes, "showers free, babe."

"Righto, where is it?"

I lead JJ down to the main bathroom and give him a spare towel. I slap him on the ass as I walk out and he yells in protest. I give him a grin and walk away, swaying my hips. I hear the bathroom door close as I turn the corner and smirk. I head out to the back verandah to find my Dad and tell him JJ is staying over. He takes it surprisingly well and doesn't even tell me he has to sleep in a spare room. JJ finds us chatting when he gets out of the shower. He comes up behind me and gives me a hug, his wet hair dripping onto my shoulder.

"Hey, Mr. Anderson," he says.

"So," Dad starts, "you're staying the night?"

"If you'll have me," JJ says, straightening up and standing beside me.

My Dad sighs, "I suppose you can stay. Under one condition. That bedroom door stays open and if I catch you doing anything; you're out and you don't get to come back."

Should've seen that coming.

"Yes sir," JJ says, "wouldn't dream of it."

I raise my eyebrow at my boyfriend and suppress a smile as he winks at me. He sits down beside me and joins the conversation I was already having with my Dad. We chat while Dad finishes up dinner and help him take it to the table. I grab JJ, Zac and I a drink each and we all sit around the table and eat. It's actually really peaceful. JJ even seems to be winning my Dad over. I can't stop myself from grinning widely as I watch my boyfriend interact with my family. I never realised how important it was to me that they got along.

"So I still can't find anywhere to get vegemite," my mum says, "here or on the mainland."

"No vegemite?" Dad says, "whatever will the children do? They might die."

"You're trying to be funny but none of us can live without Bianca's vegemite scrolls," Zac points out.

"What's a vegemite scroll?"

We all look at JJ, temporarily forgetting he's probably never even seen vegemite before.

"Bloody non-Australians," I joke, "vegemite scrolls are the BEST. They're vegemite and cheese on pastry rolled up into a little scroll and they're just like little bites from heaven."

"Bianca makes the best ones, even better than bakers delight," Dad says, "they never last long when she makes them."

"Wow," JJ says, "I'll have to try them."

"Not if we can't find vegemite," mum says, disappointed.

"Heyward could get you some, I'm sure," JJ shrugs.


"Yeah, Pope's dad. He's this legendary character who can get you pretty much anything you want, he's totally awesome," JJ explains.

"Oh my goodness, yes. Bianca, you'll have to ask your friend Pope to ask his dad to get us some," Mum says.

I nod and the conversation shifts. After dinner, JJ and I decide to go straight to bed. After the day we've had, we are both exhausted.

We crawl into bed and JJ immediately pulls me into his chest. He gives me a soft kiss on the forehead and brushes some hair behind my ear. I smile up at him and press a soft kiss to his lips.

"I think they like you," I say, "Mum and Zac definitely do."

"How could they not?"

I laugh, "don't get cocky, you still have to fully convince my dad that you're a good guy."

"I'm guessing that doing this wouldn't help," he says as he rolls on top of me with a smirk.

I gulp, "probably not."

"What about this?"

His hand snakes down between my legs and under my panties. I watch his eyes as my breathing gets slightly heavier. He slips his fingers between my folds and I sigh in anticipation. I bite my lip as he runs a finger across my clit. I look to the open door and his gaze follows mine.

"Should we shut it?" he asks.

"We'll get caught," I say.

He frowns and pulls his hand back up. He presses a kiss to my lips before laying back down beside me.

"Roll over," he instructs.

I turn away from him and he pulls me flush against his body, giving me a soft kiss on the neck as he does so.

"Goodnight, princess."

"Night, JJ."

Thanks for all the love on the last chapter! You guys are super sweet and I love getting comments from you!

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