For you? Forever

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The morning after finding Big John's message, I wake up encased in JJ's arms. He is snoring softly behind me, the warm air of his breath blowing onto my neck. I stretch a little and the arms around my waist tighten in response. I smile and snuggle backward, burying myself in his body warmth. Before I can drift back to sleep, there is a soft knock at my bedroom door. It opens slightly and my dad peeks his head through. I twist to look up at him.

"Morning," I whisper, trying not to wake JJ.

"Morning pumpkin," he replies quietly, "I'm going to pick up some more generators. Your mum is still sleeping, so try not to wake her."

"Of course."

Dad glances to JJ behind me and I shoot him a guilty smile, "Daddy, you can't hate him forever."

"I don't hate him. Besides, you've shown it doesn't matter what I think."

"What you think does matter to me. Especially about JJ. I think he's it, Dad. I already can't imagine my life without him. I wanna marry him."

My dad's expression shifts to one of shock. My words even surprise me a little, but they're true enough.

"One day," I add, "not just yet. Obviously."

Dad laughs lightly, "maybe you can stay celibate if he's 'the one' then?"

I bite my lip and suppress a laugh, "goodbye, dad. I'll see you later."

"Alright, alright. I'll be back soon," dad replies, closing the door softly as he leaves.

I smile to myself and roll my eyes. I have an ever-changing opinion of whether my dad is a good parent but it's moments like those that I'm glad I have him as a dad. I just wish he was like that all the time. Is consistency too much to ask for?

"Please tell me I don't have to put a ring on your finger before we have sex again?" JJ says in a low, sleepy grumble.

My hand shoots to my chest and I jump. He loosens his grip on my waist enough for me to roll over and face him. His arms constrict again the second I have, pressing our bodies together in a warm huddle under the blanket. I lean my head back to I can look at him properly.

"How long have you been awake?!"

"I woke up sometime around your dad saying he doesn't hate me," he replies with a little smirk, "so long enough to hear you say I'm 'the one.'"

"And you didn't think to let me know you were awake?"

"Why? Didn't you want me to know you're obsessed with me? Besides your dad knew I was awake. We made eye contact. Probably why he made the comment about celi- ceeli- sell- sex. The comment about sex."

I hold back a grin at his struggle, "well I wouldn't have said that if I'd known you were listening would I? Now you're probably all freaked out."

"Why do you figure that?"

"Coz we've only been dating for like a week. It seems crazy to me and I've actually been in serious relationships before, but you've just fucked around. Literally."

JJ raises an eyebrow at me. He looks slightly hurt at my comment but maintains his composure enough to reply, "I'm not fucking around with you. This is what I want. I don't know how much clearer I can make that, Bianca."

Full name. Ouch. I back down a little, realising I'm making it seem like I don't trust him, "I'm not saying you're fucking around. I'm just saying what if in three months you realise you miss sleeping with a different chick every couple days? I'm used to the commitment thing. You aren't and you might realise I'm not good enough soon."

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