Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
Kayden's wrath

Chapter 10Kayden's wrath

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Kayden, Natsu and Laxus returned from the job and entered Magnolia city

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Kayden, Natsu and Laxus returned from the job and entered Magnolia city. On their way back home, Natsu dragged Kayden and Laxus to Sabertooth.

Sting welcomed them warmly and introduced Kayden to the rest of the guild. Unlike Kayden expected, the guild treated him kindly, causing Kayden to smile slightly.

After spending some time in Sabertooth, the three started heading back to Fairy tail.

As they were approaching Fairy tail, they could tell something was wrong. The usually noisy guild seemed somewhat... gloomy.

Their intuition was proved correct when they were greeted by Carla screaming to Kayden's face.

"It was all you fault. Because of you, she's in danger!" Carla shouted grabbing Kayden by the collar of his shirt with her tiny paw. "If you hadn't come to Magnolia, none of these would have never happened."

"Hey, watch what you're saying. You should be glad Kayden decided to join you and not destroy you like he did to others. You should be relieved he's still showing you mercy." Casein Nitrate shouted at Carla.

"I don't care about anything. It's because of him... Wendy is in danger because of him..." Carla screamed back at Casein.

"Wendy? What happened to Wendy?" Natsu came forward.

"Calm down and tell us what happened." Laxus spoke, clearly worried for the little girl.

Kayden stood there, not moving. He didn't expect something like this would happen this soon.

His enemies coming after him to get revenge and using what's important to him to lure him out.

He knew this would happen, but he wanted to enjoy more time with his new found family.

He knew he should think rationally in this situation but emotions are clouding his head, not letting him think straight and urging him to go and save the girl.

This has happened before, but he never felt this much anger for someone. Probably because he didn't consider those people as someone important to him.

But Fairy tail is another story. Fairy tail is his home. And whoever hurts his housemates... will pay with their lives.

A sudden blood lust filled the air. Everyone shuddered under the pressure, not daring to move a single muscle, and Carla let go of Kayden, and looked at him in pure fear.

"What... what happened to Wendy? Tell me what happened." Kayden demanded calmly. His tone warned everyone who stood there not to disobey his command.

So this is Kayden Break. The infamous wizard who is rumoured to destroy everything and everyone who stood in his way, earning him the nickname 'Break.' This is how deadly and dangerous Kayden is.

Everyone who trembled infront of Kayden had only one thought in their minds at that moment. They were glad they didn't get on his bad side and relieved that Kayden has shown mercy on them.

Master Makarov came forward. "While you were gone, Carla and Wendy went on a job. On their way back, Wendy was kidnapped by two people. They let Carla go asking her to relay their message to us. They introduced themselves as Klein brothers of the dark guild, Black Union, and asked asked us to send you to them if we want Wendy back alive." Master explained to Kayden.

Kayden gritted his teeth. He was furious.

"I will bring Wendy back. You guys stay here and protect the guild."

Kayden's demand left no room for argument. After asking where they encountered the Klein brothers, Kayden stormed out of the guild.

Kayden landed where the fight took place. There were still traces of magic power left, probably from the fight they had.

Kayden followed this traces that led straight to Black Union. Without giving the guild members a moment, Kayden destroyed the building and all people in it with a single attack.

He then continued to follow the trace into an abandoned building.

Once he entered, Kayden's blood boiled at the sight infront of him.

There laid Wendy, all bloody and beaten. Fortunately, she was still conscious.

Without uttering a single word, Kayden began torturing the tormentors of Wendy.

He used his electricity to make their nerve cells more sensitive. He then tortured them brutally, slowly killing them, all while enjoying their agony and screams.

It was so intense and terrifying, Wendy could only watch in terror the fates of the ones who provoke Kayden.

At that moment, she was glad that she wasn't the one in the Klein's place, tossing and turning, trying to tone down the intensity of pain that had increased thousand times, thanks to Kayden's technique.

Once they screamed themselves to death, Kayden stood up and walked towards Wendy.

His eyes softened as he gently lifted her up, without causing her more pain.

Wendy blushed darkly seeing how close she is to the handsome boy. Her womanhood tingled at Kayden's soft touch. She squirmed in Kayden's arms, trying to calm her body that seemed to be warm all of a sudden.

Kayden looked down at her in worry. "Is it hurting?"

Wendy looked down. "N-no, I feel okay. Umm... T-thank you for s-saving me..." Wendy stuttered.

"I will always save you. Cause you accepted me as your friend." Kayden laughed.

Wendy smiled and her blush darkened.

"Let's go back home, to Fairy tail. Our family is waiting." Kayden offered an eyesmile and Wendy nodded.

To be continued...

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