Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Backstory - Part 2

"You need to gather a great deal of  your magic into your lungs and push it out with a great force

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"You need to gather a great deal of  your magic into your lungs and push it out with a great force. That the technique behind dragon force!" Kartein instructed the 7 year old boy, who was blowing out air with great force, but nothing came out.

"It's been one year since I started teaching you and no improvement." Kartein sighed as he laid his head on the ground.

Kayden looked away and mumbled. "Well sorry for having weak lung capacity."

Kartein glanced at the boy and closed his eyes without saying anything.

It's been one year since they met. Imagine Kartein's surprise when he learned that Kayden had no teacher and he invented these powerful spells all by himself.

It even scratched Kartein's body. Even while using dragon slayer magic, without completely mastering it, you can't hurt a dragon. But Kayden magic cut through Kartein hard scales.

So Kartein took it on himself to teach the kid dragon slayer magic, in order to help defeat Acnologia.

But... for some reason... Kayden couldn't understand others teaching him magic.

He can only learn, and learn it well when it was self-invented and self-taught.

"Kayden." Kartein called. "There's no point in wasting time if you can't learn dragon slayer magic. So focus on your magic and try to develop it. If it was enough to hurt me, your electricity will be enough to defeat Acnologia."

"So you want me to leave? Is that what you're saying?" Kayden gritted his teeth.

Kartein snorted. They've grown quite close over the year, and growing up with no one to care for him, Kayden absorbed any kind of care and comfort he can get from Kartein like a sponge.

Kayden even took the liberty to call Kartein 'Dad' sometimes.

"You can stay here as long as you want. It doesn't bother me at all." Kartein mumbled.

Kayden's face lit up with joy as he ran down the cliff, yelling. "I'll go find us some food."

Once Kartein was sure that Kayden had left, he stood up and stretched.

"Now to visit Anna Heartfilia..." He spread his rainbow wings and took off to find the said woman.

After flying for a few minutes, Kartein spotted a golden gate, a blonde woman standing beside it and watching five children playing. Two looked the age 7 and the other three looked 5.

He landed beside her gaining her attention.

"Mr. Kartein, I was just getting ready to travel to the future. Is there something you need my help with?" The woman asked.

"We don't have much time, I see. Anna, I've come to ask a favor of you. You know the boy I took in, right? He's around Natsu's age. Please take him along with you. I'm sure he'll prove to be useful. He was able to hurt me without dragon slayer magic." Kartein kept the reason for his visit short.

"I understand. What about you though?" Anna agreed.

"Once he sense the gate is being activated, he'll come for you. I shall go and prevent him from reaching you while you take the kids to the future. And please take good care of Kayden." Kartein said as he spread his wings.

Anna nodded and watched the beautiful dragon flying at high speed.

Acnologia has grown really strong. Both Anna and Kartein know that Kartein will never survive the fight. He can only buy them some time. Which is why Anna Heartfilia is hurrying to Kartein's mountain to pick up Kayden.


Kayden had been waiting for the past few hours. Kartein should be there waiting for him. So that they could enjoy their meals together while Kartein explained the great adventures of his life.

But Kartein is not here and the sun is setting. He wouldn't be gone for this long and if he did, he would have left a message.

"Kayden!" Kayden was cut off from his train of thoughts by a familiar gentle voice.

"Aunt Anna! What are you doing here? Have you seen Kartein? He's not back yet and I'm really worried about him." Kayden complained.

A sad smile flashed through Anna's face for a split second, which she replaced with a cheery one.

"Mr. Kartein did come visit me early this day. He asked me to take care of you until he returns after few days. He also said he would bring you fishes of you behave well." Anna tried to keep her voice steady while her smile quivered.

"Really? I'll be a good boy then. Let's go." Kayden chirped as he dragged Anna with him to the base of the mountain.

'Good bye, Mr. Kartein. I'll never forget you.' Anna said in her heart as he followed Kayden.


Anna and the six kids including Kayden were standing in front of the solar eclipse gate.

Anna used her celestial zodiac keys to open the gate. The kids and Kayden excitedly ran through the gate before Anna could stop them.


400 years in the future, the solar eclipse gate that is kept under a palace opened and six shooting stars came out of the gate.

The six shooting stars scattered far into six directions.

Anna who hurriedly came out of the gate after them, could only watch in distress and mild horror that the six kids have scattered somewhere in this world and it would take a lot of time to find all of them.


In a deep forest, a neon Blue shooting star collided with the ground. After the dust and electricity died down, an almost seven years old boy with bluish black hair opened his eyes.

"Where am I? Where is Kartein..."

End of backstory.
To be continued...

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