Chapter 28

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Scott sighed changing frequencies only to reveal a worried Hood staring back at him, 



“Scott, listen I’m en route. There will be no more avalanches, no more loss I can guarantee you that” The Hood said with a determined tone. 

Scott smiled, “Hood just make sure my brother survives please, we are enroute but we will be a few minutes longer” 

“Understood Scott”

“Please save him and then we can talk about you being officially on my good side” Scott said with a smirk. The Hood nodded, signing off and pushing his aircraft in the direction of his son-in-law, basically his son from the way he acted. The Hood had got in contact with an old friend a.k.a The Mechanic or in other words John and Virgil’s blood uncle. The man was nearby working and once he heard of the situation, he dropped everything and headed for his blood-nephew.


Fiona knew one thing, having studied John Tracy over the years and having inside information. She knew he was the master of disguise so when her instincts led her to the blue machine known as Thunderbird One, she sat herself in the chair and began to pilot to her escape. She was five minutes into her flight when she realised the bird had taken off a little too easily, she let go of the controls only to gasp. They were on automatic or…they were being manually controlled from somewhere else. 

“John Tracy, it has been too long” Fiona swivelled around to see John standing a few feet behind her in his Thunderbird five gear, he was wearing his helmet and looking furious. 

“Not as long as I wanted. Do I even ask how you got out of prison?” Fiona only laughed at John’s question as he glared at her. She dived for him, the two wrestled. Fiona smirked using her muscled arms to pin him, John fought back with all his might but found himself losing. So, he did the one thing he hoped his big brother would forgive him for. 

“EOS! Crash Thunderbird One’s systems” 

“But John, you have a 17.9% chance of surviving, we are above the Alps!” 

“Just do it!”

“NO!” Fiona punched John in the side of the helmet, his forehead was pouring of blood. 

“EOS NOW!” John ordered, EOS couldn’t do it even her programme prevented her, due to it being John’s own code, his protection for his brothers so John had to do something he wished to never experience himself. Grabbing the fire extinguisher he hit Fiona in the side with it allowing him to grab the controls of Thunderbird One and smash his hand into the purple button under the seat. Without warning, the engines shut down immediately and John found himself gripping the chair in fright, he quickly strapped himself in as Thunderbird One nose dived for the earth below. John squeezed his eyes shut as something sharp stabbed into his side just as Thunderbird One crashed into a crevice in the alps. After a few moments the craft came to a halt as it hit something. Pure blackness filled his vision as he fell unconscious. 

Odd mumblings brought him back to reality, he heard the click of what sounded like a weapon. 

“I do hope you never recover from this, I hope you suffer everything I did in prison” Fiona whispered in his ear as she pressed something further into his side. John’s eyes opened abruptly as he caught the weapon aiming for his face. Tightening his grip, Fiona gasped when she was shoved back into the side of Thunderbird One. With skillful hands, John managed to drop himself from the chair where he hung upside down, carefully standing up on the brittle glass. Looking around he noticed the wires hanging from places that shouldn’t and the fact Thunderbird One was snapped in half it was barely holding together itself. 

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