I- Human Among Wolves

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Luz Noceda is a 14-year-old Dominican girl who came to Gravesfield, Connecticut, USA, after her father, Manuel "Manny" Noceda's death

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Luz Noceda is a 14-year-old Dominican girl who came to Gravesfield, Connecticut, USA, after her father, Manuel "Manny" Noceda's death. Her and her mum, Camila Noceda's life seem to be great, except for the fact that Luz is really freaky, her school grades didn't improve at all, and even she brought a live snake to school! She just isn't suitable with her lifestyle in the Human Realm...

So one day, her mum brings her a ticket that says "Summer Camp". Upon seeing this, Luz gets mad.

Luz: MOM! I don't wanna go to Summer Camp! I wanna stay at home and make Anime Music Videos!

Camila: Luz, you don't have any real friends and your grades haven't improved at all....It has to be this way, mija.

Luz: Fine mom. I'll do everything I can to make you proud!

Meanwhile, Camila receives a phone call from her work. (She works as a veterinarian)

Camila: Oh, I have to go to work! Goodbye Mija, todo va a bien.

Camila kisses Luz on the cheek, gets in the car and heads off to work.

Luz: Summer Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp...

Meanwhile, an owl pops up from nowhere and takes away her The Good Witch Azura book. Luz chases after it and lands in a parallel universe, the Demon Realm.

She is seen in a forest with only orange leaves and orange grass, it seems like it is autumn. And it seems to be sunset.

In the distance, there is a cottage with a tower and Luz sees a white-haired lady get out of the cottage, she turns out to be The Owl Lady, Eda Clawthorne, mother of 4.

Eda turns around and sees her.

Eda: Who are you and what are you doing near my house?

Luz- Uhhh..! I mean to harm! I'm just someone who landed here. I'm a human and I shouldn't be here...

Eda: Um...That's right, you shouldn't. But, are you lost?

Luz: I can tell...I landed here and I need a portal to get back home...

Eda: This portal?

Eda shows a briefcase-like portal with an eye.

Luz: Y-yes! That one!

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