"Heh!" Himiko smirked at Dabi, "looks like someone slaking off."

"Shut up! And who said it was my job?" Dabi growled.

"I don't know but amongst all of us you are the one who slacks off the most," Himiko said with a shrug.

Their new member count was 1,695,000 members with combat-able forces standing at 820,000 members which were amazing in Izuku's mind as they were close to having a million-strong fighting force. These numbers of course never included the public supporters across Japan which had only increased with time.

"That's great," Izuku said, "having the public's support on our side is much more important."

Izuku had also received word that foreign governments had reached out to Verdant and asked if there was any way for the war to come to an end since the international community was freaked out after the Military Defense Line battle.

"Ok so now they interfere when they get confirmation on how dangerous this organization really is," Nighteye said with venom in his voice, "and even then they are reaching out to the criminals instead of the national government to help them. I guess it was my fault for expecting so much from spineless cowards."

Izuku had a message sent back to all of them that was simple. "We are here to stay as the only way for this to end is for the government of Japan to surrender or for Verdant to be killed off or imprisoned." said the message Izuku had delivered to all foreign governments that contacted them.

"Was it really a good idea to tell them that your death is one of the options?" Momo asked.

"I don't think that's such a big deal," Izuku shrugged, "at this point, Verdant is not a person instead it has become an ideal that will carry on even if I am not the one leading them," Izuku explained, "besides killing me won't be that easy. I have my merry band of Teletubbies with me all the time," Izuku said with a smirk while Verdant guards groaned in the offense.

The media had been reporting none stop on the aftermath of the battle and showed the devastation. Izuku had made sure to leak information to the Media that was under his control and even to media that wasn't under his control of the fact that the government of Japan didn't order the civilians to retreat until an hour in of the battle.

"Shit! I don't see the public taking it too kindly," Midnight grimaced.

Izuku laughed at the government's reactions as they tried to put all of the blame on the Verdant group but it didn't really work well as Verdant was quick to get information out there about what happened in the battle as well as the fact that TV crews were on site the entire time which didn't help the government in trying to control the narrative.

"You know, at this point accepting their flaws will bring them more positive support instead of denying it," Ochako said.

Though we can switch to others' viewpoints such as the viewpoint of those at UA as all of the students were sitting in the auditorium.

"Hey look most of us are sitting in the same place as our counterparts," Mina pointed out.

"Wow! So trippy!" Toru exclaimed as well.

Principal Nezu had an announcement to make in regard to the war.

"I hope whatever he is going to say is not headache-inducing," Aizawa said.

"Me too Aizawa... me too," Nezu silently added.

"I wish we were here for better reasons but the government has announced that they will start pulling people with Provisional licenses into the war. This means that you have a high risk of going on the front lines and being involved in the conflicts that are going on right now." Nezu announced and everyone was stunned.

MHA reacts to Verdant Emperor! (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now