Chapter 37

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*Ella’s POV*

- Wake up sleeping beauty.

- I don’t want to go to school!

 I slowly opened my eyes and when I heard Jake laughing only then I realized what I just said.

- Get up Ella, you’re late to school!

 He laughed even more. I just rolled my eyes and sat up straight on the couch. I looked at the clock and it showed 9 a.m. Why did I sleep till this late?

 Then I looked at Jake and he looked really handsome. I couldn’t help but stare for a few seconds. He of course realized it. 

- See something you like?

 He smirked at me.

- No. I see someone I love.

 His smirk faded and he looked at me with loving eyes. I just giggled at him. He rolled his eyes and smiled at me. He then gave me a cup of coffee he was holding. It looked like he was fulfilling his promise about giving me coffee every morning, it was really sweet of him.

- Okay, drink it and then go to the bedroom. Have a shower and change into some comfortable clothes.

- Why is that?

- Did you forget about our date?

- Ohhh Date, Right. Sorry I forgot.

- That’s alright. Then it’s good that I remember. Go and get ready. I’ll cook breakfast.

 I nodded and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled at me and I went to the bathroom. After a quick shower I put on some clothes and did my make up. I wanted to look good for our date. 

 I came downstairs and saw Jake in the kitchen cooking pancakes. He surprises me every single day.

 He looked at me and his eyes widened.

- Do you see something you like, Bluey?

- Yes, my beautiful wife.

 I smiled as he came to me and kissed me on the forehead.

- You look amazing.

- Thank you, Bluey.

- Okay, let’s eat because we might be late to our date.

 We had breakfast together. Jake was telling me why he called Dan “Danny” and I was dying from laughter. I love how their relationship improved. I’m happy Jake found someone to call him friend.

 After breakfast we washed the dishes together but without water fight this time. Once we were finished we got ready to leave when Jake got a message from Lilly.

- Everything okay Jake?

- I don’t know. Lilly is asking me to go to her house.

- Okay. Then go, she might need your help.

- But what about our date?

- Lilly might need your help, Jake. Go to her. We can have a date some other time.

- Are you sure?

- Of course I am.

- Okay, then let’s go together.

- It’s alright Jake. I’ll wait here.

- Okay, I hate to leave but I have to. I don’t know what’s going on with Lilly but please call me if anything and I mean, literally anything happens.

- Of course I will call you.

- I love you, Ella.

- I love you more.

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