Chapter 22

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*Lilly’s POV*

One minute can change everything. One minute… Sixty seconds… and everything is… gone. Smiling faces turned into horrified ones, laugh turned into screaming, wedding turned into… funeral.


I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. My brother and Ella passed out on the floor… They were supposed to be married. They were supposed to be happy together… They were supposed to have children, grow old together… but now it has changed… Now everything has changed. Both of them were between life and death and no one knew which one they would choose.

Dan was trying to help both Jake and Ella. Alan ran after the assassin. Everyone else left. I just stood there unable to move a muscle. I still couldn’t believe that all of this was actually happening. We were all waiting for this day for months. We were all happy and now…

-         Lilly!

I looked over at Dan but I couldn’t move or say anything.

-         Lilly please, I need your help! Please come! They need help!

I approached Jake and Dan somehow. Dan took my hand and put them on Jake’s wound, telling me to put pressure on it. I did as he told me and only then I realized that I was crying. Dan ran over to Ella, trying to save her.

All I wanted was for this nightmare to end and that we could go back to our happy lives, but it wasn’t happening. I don’t know how much time passed but I saw Alan running towards us.

-         Ambulance is on the way!

-         They better hurry! We don’t have much time! – Dan shouted.

Alan didn’t say anything. He went straight to me and Jake and put his hands over mine on Jake’s wound.

-         Miss Donfort, I got him now.

I nodded and took my hands away, covered in my own brother’s blood. I was still in shock, I couldn’t say anything. I could hear Alan whispering to Jake

-         Fight Jacob! Fight for your Ella! you can do it… please… son…


Shortly after Ambulance arrived. They took Ella and Jake to hospital. Both of them needed emergency surgery and doctors didn’t waste any time. We were outside of operating room waiting for answer. Dan didn’t leave my side even for a second and I was thankful for that. Both of our clothes were covered in blood but it didn’t even matter. Alan was with us as well, saying he couldn’t leave until he’d hear from doctors that both of them were safe.

Few minutes later everyone else came. Jessy, Thomas, Hannah, Richy, Cleo, my mother, even Tyson. Where did he come from?  Jake’s step-father was here too. Long story short, everyone except my father. He didn’t even come here.

Everyone was crying and waiting. I wanted to talk to Alan about who the assassin was. I wanted to know who did this to my brother, who took his happiness away. So I asked him for a talk and he followed. I asked Dan to come with us too. we went to far corner of corridor, where no one could hear us.

-         Mr. Bloomgate, did you see who did this?

-         I think I did. But I want to see CCTV footage before I say anything. I was really emotional and all I wanted to do was catch him, but he was too fast. I should’ve caught him…

-         Is it Joseph again?

-         I’m not sure. Person I saw… I hate saying things without any proof, but this time I will trust myself. I saw a person named Matthew Clarko.

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