Chapter 30. The Knight's Dragon

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Hex couldn't believe what he saw. All the knight's standing in front of him. "What is this?" He said confusingly. He turns to Cecil. "Who are you?" Cecil grins. "I am the Knights Dragon." He said. He breathed fire into Hex's face once more causing him to let go. Cecil goes to Isaac along with the rest of the knights. Hex wipes the burns from his eyes and growls at them in anger. "Its over your highness!" Said Cecil. "The war ends now!" Cecil roars and Conan gives the command to the other knights to fire their crossbows at the Emperor. Most of the arrows hit their mark. Hex was now covered in arrows. Cecil then charges into Hex causing him to fall flat on his back. Suddenly, Hex's minions returned to attack. "Alright boys!" Yelled Conan. "CHARGE!" The battle was on. Knights and Dragons faced one another once more in the biggest battle since the beginning of the war. Cecil continues to fight back with all of his strength. He was beginning to have Hex right where he wanted him, but Hex had other plans. He laughs again. "You cannot defeat me." He said. Suddenly, he pounds his fist on the same cracked area where he attempted to stomp Cecil to death. Once he had done so, the crack formed even more. It caused the entire floor to give way. Both dragons fell through into a deep dark hole. "Cecil!" Yelled Isaac as he noticed. Suddenly, both the knights and the dragons stopped fighting. The knights were concerned for Cecil as the dragons were concerned for Hex. As Cecil and Hex landed to the bottom of the hole. The impact was so hard, that it caused the entire mountain to crack inside and out. Debris began to fall once more, except this time it seemed endless. "I don't know about you, but I'm getting out of here!" Yelled one of the dragons. The knights realized the situation. "This whole mountain is going to collapse!" Yelled Conan. "We must leave now before it does!" Isaac refuses for the sake of Cecil. "We can't leave Cecil down there!" He yelled. "Kid!" Yelled Conan. "There is nothing else we can do!" More debris continue to fall with bigger chunks of the mountain. "We've got to go now!" Conan continued. As all the knights began to escape, Cecil tries his best to get up. He finds Emperor Hex lying on the ground unconscious. Thinking that he was defeated, he finally gets back on his feet. Suddenly, the ground opens up again, except this time, lava began oozing out onto the ground. Cecil knew that he had to leave before the magma reached him.

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