Chapter 22. True Bravery

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Cecil uses his fire breathing skills to make a fire to help keep Isaac warm. The cold did not bother him since he breathed fire, but he knew that Isaac was cold after being out hunting for food, so he did the proper thing by making a fire for him and also just in case the deer wasn't crispy enough. As they sat by the fire and ate the meat, Isaac seemed happy to be able to successfully kill a deer with a little help from his companion. "We sure make a good team!" He said smiling. "Don't we Cecil?" The Dragon looks at Isaac. "What do you mean?" He asked. "It wasn't a team effort. You missed this deer and it came running in MY direction. So I killed it myself while it was there in front of me." Isaac rolls his eyes but continues smiling. "Whatever." He said. "I'm just glad things turned out alright." "Don't get your hopes too high." Said Cecil. "We still have a long way to go." "Yeah." Said Isaac. Suddenly, Cecil looks down for a moment and Isaac becomes worried. "Hey." He continued. "Are you alright?" Cecil acts like nothing is wrong with him. "I'm fine." He said. "I just don't understand something." He turns his head to the young knight once more. "Why aren't you afraid?" He asked. "This entire time I've known you, you seemed brave hearted. So strong, so eager. Why? Why aren't you afraid of me? A dragon?" Isaac looks at the ground too. "To be honest." He said. "I was afraid. You were the first dragon that I've ever encountered, but then I realized something. People always saw creatures like you as monsters. But when I've started to know you better, I didn't think you anything close to that." Cecil gets deep into thought about what Isaac said. "I...I never wanted to be a monster." He said. "But every time I went to your Village, all I here is," Cecil begins to mock the village people. ''Ahhh! Help! A big scary dragon! Run for your lives!'' He looks at the ground again. "People always want to judge before knowing who you truly are." He continued. "Dragons can do amazing things you know. They could be loyal and understanding creatures. Strong... If only they'd give me a chance to show them." Isaac gets up and walks to his dragon companion. "After we take down Hex," he said. "You can, because the war will be over. I believe that he's the one who's making dragons into monsters. If we kill Hex, the war will end, and humans and dragons will live together in peace again." "It won't be easy." Said Cecil. "I know." Said Isaac. "And I'm scared too. As a matter of fact, you know another reason why I'm not afraid of you?" "Why?" Asked Cecil. "Because you remind me of myself." Said Isaac. Cecil was confused. "I don't understand." He said. "I'm the runt of the knights, and you're the runt of the dragons. Turns out we're not so different after all." As Isaac prepares himself to go to sleep, Cecil does the same but continues to think more about Isaac's words. "I guess you're right." He said as he lies down. They both go to sleep as the fire continues to burn throughout the night.

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