Chapter 16. The King is Angered

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All the dragons leave the Village with some of the people's livestock and leaving behind the destruction they had caused. Most importantly, they had taken Princess Havana. Roden gets onto his knees and stares out the window of his daughter's room that was now destroyed by the hands of a dragon. Even as a King, he had tears in his eyes. The dragons had taken his most valuable position, his daughter. He walks back downstairs to the lower level of the Castle to where an old wooden chest sits. He opens the dusty chest, and inside was some of his Father's belongings. He picks up a sword that once belonged to the former King. He was going to attempt to go to Black Rock Mountain himself in order to get his daughter back. Later as he makes his way to the Village, him and Gregor walks through the destruction the dragons caused. Gregor tries to talk sence into his King. "With all due respect your majesty," He said. "You cannot go to Black Rock Mountain on your own!" King Roden ignores his warning. "I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get my daughter back." He said calmly as he keeps walking. "Even if it costs me my life." Gregor still tries to stop him. "But it's a suicide mission sir!" He explained. Roden stops for a moment and looks directly into Gregor's eyes. "How do you think them knights felt?" He asked. He continues walking. Suddenly, he hears loud chanting in the distance. They quickly go to where the noise was coming from. "There!" Said Gregor. "Around that house!" As they've made it around, they find a group of Villagers who appeared to be beating on someone. Gregor quickly gets to them and breaks up the tussle. "Break it up!" He yelled. They realized that King Roden was right with them, so they back away from the person they was beating. Roden immediately knew who the victim was. "Isaac?" He said running to his aid. "You alright?" Isaac looks at his King. "Your majesty." He said. "Yeah. I'm just fine." Roden looks back at the Villagers. "Explain to me of what is going on here!" He demanded. One of the Villagers spoke nervously towards the King. "H-He's one of the knights!" He said. "The ones you've already sent! He's a coward! He must be punished!" The Villagers agreed, but Roden did not. "I am the one who decides on punishments." He said calmly. "He is my responsibility." The Villagers were still angry. "Your majesty!" Said the man who spoke before. "We know that your close to this disgraceful excuse for a knight!" He picks up an axe. "I say we behead him!" As the man tries to finish Isaac off, King Roden takes out his Father's sword and points the end of the blade right at the Man's throat. "Now listen all of you." Roden said calmly, but agitated. "You lay one hand on this boy, and it will be YOUR heads next. For your information, your Princess was taken by the dragons. So I am in no mood for any foolishness from you." The Villagers realize that their King was angry and should not be pushed anymore.

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