Chapter 10. The Old Joker

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Meanwhile at Black Rock Mountain, The Emperor sat at his throne once more. The rest of the dragons were watching an old man who was trapped inside a cage hanging above them. He was giving them all a show of entertainment by making them all laugh. He was dancing, telling jokes, and singing silly songs to them. He was once the Joker to King Roden II, until he was captured by the dragons many years ago. He had been enslaved by the dragons ever since. He was promised by Hex that he would continue to let the Joker live as long as he did his little acts for him and his minions every night, and if they were good enough. Now a frail old man, he continues to put on a show. The dragons kept laughing until they cried. "That one NEVER gets old!" Said one of the dragons. "His new jokes are even better!" Said another. They've always enjoyed having the Joker around. He had never let them down, until he collapsed all of a sudden inside his little cage. The dragons became concerned for him. They surrounded him to inspect. "Hey." Said another dragon. "What's wrong with you old man?" They soon realized that he was having difficulty getting back to his feet. He manages to do so at first. "I'm alright." He said. "I just tripped. Now where was I? Oh yeah!" He attempts to continue, but falls again soon after. The dragons knew something was wrong with the Joker. "Hey your highness!" A Dragon said to Emperor Hex. "The Joker doesn't look too good." The Emperor leans forward to look inside the cage for himself. The old man could only watch with fear as Hex tries to figure out what was wrong with him. Hex came to the conclusion that the Joker was becoming too old to continue with his performances. "It is a shame." Said Hex. He looks back at his minions. "Our little Joker has fallen ill." The minions could not believe it. "Oh no!" Said one. "That is terrible!" Said another. "What do we do now?" Hex glances back at the cage. "I'M going to do the proper thing and put this fool out of his misery." The Joker and the minions both knew what Hex was talking about. The Emperor was going to DEVOUR the old Joker. Hex grabs the cage and pulls it closer towards him. The Joker tries his best to reason with him. "N-now wait a minute your highness!" He yelled. "I-I'm just sore at the moment, I will get better! I promise!" The other dragons try to change his mind as well. "Yeah you're highness!" Said one. "Think about this for a moment!" "Yeah!" Said another. "He's been so good to us! Just give him time to heal!" Hex however, did not want to listen. He growls at his minions. "SILENCE!" He snarled. He looks at the old man once more. "He has been good." He continued. "But all good things must come to an end." He opens the cage and pulls the Joker out as he begs for his life. "No PLEASE! NO!" The minions could only watch in horror as Hex eats the Joker. They all felt bad for the poor old soul. There was nothing but silence for a moment until Hex turns towards them once more. "Now." He said. "I want you all to return to the Cove Village and find me something else to use for entertainment. And don't forget to find me some fresh meat while you are at it." The dragons did what they was told. To go back to Cove Village for another attack.

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