Chapter 20. The Quest

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Cecil rolls his eyes once more. "You're still not listening to me." He said. "He is much more dangerous than normal dragons. There is no doubt that he has Havana in his position, but I'm afraid that there is nothing we can do." "I think there is." Said Isaac. "Oh yeah?" Said Cecil. "And what would be your suggestion?" "You can stop being afraid of this Hex and face him!" Said Isaac. Cecil was getting annoyed by Isaac's stubbornness. "Do you really think that we alone can stop him?" He asked. "If I ever went back there, he'd end my life for sure!" "And he may end mine." Said Isaac. "But I'm not going to let that stop me. I've made a promise to my King that I would return with Havana by my side in one peice. If I have to give up my life to do it, I would." "Why?" Asked Cecil. "Because I'm a Knight." Said Isaac. "And that's what knights do." Cecil finally begins to understand why Isaac is so eager to go to Black Rock Mountain. Because like the dragons, humans are going through too much during the war by giving up their lives for the people they love. Cecil takes a deep breath and groans. "You know what Knight?" He said. "You're right. I've spent twenty years in this cave. Its about time I go back to my real home." Isaac smiles. "Alright!" He said with excitement. "Now we're talking!" "Don't get too excited on me." Said Cecil. "We're going to walk all the way." Isaac's smile fades. "What?!" He said. "Why? Oh wait. Let me guess. You don't feel like flying." Cecil turns his head towards Isaac with a smirk on his face. "Now how did you know?" He joked. Meanwhile in Black Rock Mountain, Hex's minions began dragging a cage behind them with Princess Havana inside. Others began to tease her as they bring her to Hex. "She's a little one isn't she?" Said One. Havana was too helpless to do anything to escape. She was surrounded. She could not stand while being tossed around inside the cage. Finally, the minions bring her to Hex, who seemed pleased for the minions to bring him such a beautiful gift. He leans closer to Havana who was still trapped in the cage. "Well now." He said. "Isn't this a pleasant surprise!" Scared nearly to death by Hex's presence, she tries to stay calm and order him to let her go. "L-look y-you big mean dragon!" She said very nervously. "I am t-the Princess of C-cove Castle! I d-demand you to release me!" Hex and the minions laugh causing the mountain to shake. "She is even more valuable than I imagined." Said Hex. "Well done my minions. She will make a wonderful replacement." "Replacement for what?" Asked Havana. Hex grabs the chain of the cage. "Entertainment." Said Hex. He pulls the cage up and Havana begins to panic. "Let me down!" She begged with tears in her eyes. Hex hangs up the cage. "Don't you worry little Princess." Hex said with an evil grin. "No harm will be given to you. Just sit there and look pretty." The minions all watch poor little Havana sway back and forth in the iron cage hanging above them. She covers her face filled with tears for fears knowing that there was no escape from the clutches of Emperor Hex and Black Rock Mountain.

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