Chapter 7. The Cave

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Isaac eventually gets out of the hole and limps on through the forest. It was beginning to get dark and there was still no sign of Conan or any of the other knights. He had lost hope on finding them again. Now he was injured and alone in the dark and scary forest. He uses his sword to help himself get around. He continues to call for help. "Conan!" He yelled. "Somebody? Anybody?" There was still no answer. He continued on limping through the forest. All of his bravery was leaving him. He was beginning to get frightened. Suddenly, he finds a cave in the middle of the forest. He was shivering from the cold weather. He thought that maybe the cave would be a nice place to rest for the evening and give himself time to heal his ankle. But as he made it inside, he started hearing something unusual. It seemed like to be heavy breathing. Unfortunately, he couldn't see well enough inside the cave to get a good look of what was inside. He gets nervous, but he wanted to know what was there with him. So he quietly moves closer to where the sound of heavy breathing was coming from. Suddenly, he saw a giant wing of a dragon stretch upward. Isaac was almost too afraid to move. Then he had an idea. The dragon seemed to be sleeping. He was finally beginning to have second thoughts about going to Black Rock Mountain, but since this particular dragon was asleep, he thought it would be an easy kill. That way he could at least bring home a head of a dragon to his King and show him that he was still worthy. Isaac slowly approaches the sleeping dragon and rises his sword over his head. Suddenly, just before he had a chance to strike, the dragon opens its eyes and stairs right at him. Isaac drops his sword with fear. At that moment, he had lost every nerve he had. He stumbles to the ground after having difficulty standing on his injured foot. He tries to escape by crawling backwards towards the outside. The dragon gets up and walks closer to Isaac. The deep groan from the dragon echos through the cave. Isaac closes his eyes tightly to prepare for the worst. Finally, the dragon speaks. "Did you just try to kill me in my sleep?" He asked. Isaac opens his eyes again and looks back at the dragon sweating nervously. "Y-yes." He said. "S-sorry!" The dragon gets a good look at Isaac's suit of armor and realized that he was a knight. He rolls his eyes. "Ugh. Not this again." He said. "You're a knight. Aren't you?" Isaac nervously responds. "Yes. I-I am." "Can't a dragon sleep in his own cave in peace without some puny little man snooping around trying to kill me?" Said the Dragon. Isaac gets a little offensive. "Hey!" He said. "I am a Knight of Cove Castle sent by King Roden to slay the likes of you and keep you from terrorizing my people, my village, and my kingdom!" The dragon chuckles. "Well you're surely not a very good one." He said.

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